I'm having a BABY!!
on 6/4/05 8:14 am - IA
on 6/4/05 8:14 am - IA
I just found out last week that I was having a baby!! I was scheduled for a colonoscopy on Friday, went in and they do a pregnancy test prior, well it was cancelled due to the positive test!! I am so excited but all the same time scared. I have my first ultrasound on Monday.
Congrats, Kourtney!!! I am at a critical point where I need to decide if I want another baby or plastic surgery done this summer. I am putting faith in God that he will lead the way - if only I am smart enough and quiet enough to listen!!
Wow - did you have any plastics done? Are you young? Your pics look wonderful and you don't look like you have a tummy at all or that you lost any hair. My hair is naturally curly and doesn't look like this pic at all anymore. What are your secrets? As for protein, I get in from 50-100 grams daily.
Congrats again - maybe I'll be joining you soon!
God bless,
on 6/6/05 6:52 am - IA
on 6/6/05 6:52 am - IA
to answer some questions, I am 30 years old, and yes I have had a tummy tuck. I just had a ventral hernia repaired and scar revision, which Dr Coster took out an additional 6 inches of skin, that was only on April 1, 2005. So we will see how the scar looks after the pregnancy. I just got back from my first US today and I got to see my baby's heartbeat, it was 105 beats per minute, which the tech says is normal since the little heart only began beating in the past couple of days. I was a relief just to see it beating though. My due date is January 30, 2006, seem like forever!!!!!
Congrats on your upcoming arrival. I just had mine 6-1/2 weeks ago. Everything went really well. Keep us posted on your journey. Are you going to a specialist for your OB? Just curious. Towards the end it seemed like I was eating all of the time, however, after delivery my appetite changed and went back to what it was before pregnancy. Don't be afraid to eat, cause it is good for the baby.
Good Luck on your baby!