BCBS Alliance Select
If you call them, they can let you what is covered in the policy for sure. This is what I found on the website:
Criteria for Coverage:
Patient is at least 18 years old,
The patient must have a documented medical history of failure to sustain weight loss with medically supervised dietary and conservative treatment for at least three years including within the two years preceding surgery. A physician who does not perform bariatric surgery must provide this documentation.
The patient must be a motivated individual with acceptable operative risk and must be evaluated by a licensed mental health provider to determine the patient's willingness to comply with pre and postoperative treatment plans, and a strategy to ensure cooperation with follow-up must be documented.
And, in addition to the general requirements above, the patient must also meet one of the following weight criteria:
The patient has a BMI of 40kg/m² for at least 3 years,
Has a BMI of >35kg/m² in conjunction with at least one of the following:
Hypertension requiring medication for at least one year
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus requiring medication for at least one year
Obstructive sleep apnea, confirmed by sleep study, which does not respond to conservative treatment.
Documented cardiovascular disease
Pulmonary hypertension of obesity
Super obesity described as BMI >50kg/m²
I did not have the full 3 years documented weight loss attempt (I did have 6 months though) and I was approved after one letter. Read my profile for more information or email me and I will be happy to answer if I can. Good luck!