Update on Lavonda Cardona
Hi Everyone I just got off the phone with Lavonda and she sounds so much better. Apparently she was having chest pains throught the night because of the NG tube and Dr Coster went ahead and took it out. She sounds so much better today than she did yesterday but will have to go home with a feeding tube.
She can't wait to get home and be able to talk to everyone. Her computer is upstairs so it unless they bring it down for her it will be a couple of days before she's able to get on! I would be more than happy to pass on any good wishes that anyone has for her..
Thanks for all your prayers they were and still are greatly needed..

Hi. I am new to this web site. I have been following Lavonda's story. Thank you for all of the updates. I am so glad to hear that she is doing better. Tell Lavonda that the I am thinking of her and keeping her in my prayers. If she does not know who I am tell her I am the receptionist at her Dr's office. She will hopefully remember me. Again thank you for keeping us up to date on her well being.