Iowa Title 19 - 2 YEARS supervised diets - is this right??
I have my consultation with the surgeon scheduled, but I just read somewhere that Iowa Title 19 wants 2 consecutive YEARS of supervised weight loss attemps?? Is this correct?? Has anyone been approved without the 2 years? I have tried again and again to loss weight, but I have not had much of any supervised atttempts!
Amy I dont know what to tell you except to keep on trying ,I have had supervised and not supervised but Dr.documented thru my whole life,some peaple it seem's have to fight Title 19 where some dont...I had to fight them..I took it to court basiclly,..I won there it took almost a if it is something you truly want dont give up no matter what they say..just keep on fighting them...It might just pay off
If you havent submitted paper work yet..get on a supervised with your Dr. right wont hurt..
Good Luck keep us posted..and keep your chin up..Take Care,
Lori A.

Hey Amy. I have my surgery on the 24th of June.. 3 weeks away!!
I am on Title 19 and only had to have 3-4 months worth of supervised diet. I don't know if my BMI being over 50 had anything to do with it or not. But don't give up. Where are you having your surgery? If it's in Grinnell they will tell you you have to have 3-4 months. I don't believe it's 2 years anymore. At least it wasn't with me.
Please don't quit now! If you need to talk e-mail me.

Hi Amy
I had Iowa Title 19 and I did not have to have supervised diet. Unless it has changed. I also had troubles loosing on my own. I lost about 80 pounds all because I was sick and no one knew what was going on, then I gained it all back.
Had my surgery 12-22-03 with Dr. Eibes in Grinnell, (he is now going to Des Moines). Started at 350 down to 220.
Take Care
Lisa Young