Date set!!!!!
I have set a date for my surgery. June 7th. Wow, It seems so close now. Just a few weeks away. How much time should I plan on missing from work? I am having it done laproscopically. Will I need longer than 2 weeks? I'm sure it differs from person to person. Also has anyone had Dr. Boe from the Barix clinic as their surgeon?

I think everyone is different in the time off they need. If you have no complications, two weeks might be okay. Mine was open and I was off 5 weeks. Would've been 4 but I had a post op infection that knocked my socks off so I needed another week to recover. It will also depend on your job. If it's a desk job, 2 wks might be okay. If it's more physical, that might be pushing it. Remember, you will be very tired from the surgery and the dramatic wt loss the first few weeks. Your body is going thru a huge change. Don't pu**** Give yourself time to heal and time to figure out the eating. It's a pain the first few months.
Shea ~~ what a pretty name!! Congrats on your surgery date, you're right it will be here sooner than you think. I had surgery lap on a Wed, got out of the hosp on Friday and was off work the following week, then went back on Monday. So I guess 1.5 weeks. I was tired that 2nd week and did end up taking off part of one day.
Everybody is different so do what feels best for you. I thought it was better to get up and get moving. Be sure and take your pain meds at night to help get the "good" sleep -- it really helps.
Best of luck to you!!!
Lap RNY 4/14/04
Whoo hoo!!!
I took 3 weeks off work completely then I went back part time for 2 weeks. I had my gall bladder removed and had my Roux-en-Y done lap as well. I feel great now and I'm a little over 6 weeks out. I never thought I would feel better. I was really sore at the incisions until about my 5th week. Then I got the flu!!! That sucked!!! Throwing up with your little pouch is a lot different! It differs from person to person. Colleen went back at 2 weeks. You're mainly tired, I think. I was just so sore! Well congrats girl and keep us posted!!