What should I take???
Hi Shelli,
Crystal Lite would be a good choice to bring along. Most juice has too much sugar but if I remember correctly we were allowed it if we mixed it with twice as much water than normal. I thought that would make it kind of nasty but really I wasn't able to tell the difference.
I think Dr G allows red jello and other red drinks but I may be wrong. The reason some are told to stay away from it is because it could hide bleeding in the stool or the red color may make you think you have blood. I think it's kind of like when you have a colonoscopy. I know they discourage red fluids then also. You'll get a leak test the morning after your surgery before you are allowed anything by mouth so you won't have to worry about bleeding.
My suggestion is an ice shaver or just plain old crushed ice. That may be avaliable at the motel but you can get ice shavers quite cheap at Walmart,K-mart etc. I found that ice cold water was accepted by my pouch much easier at first & it's definately more fun to drink snowcones or slushes & a good way to get yor fluids in. You can also buy sugar free flavorings that you mix with the shaved ice.
Definately bring chap stick to the hospital. Your lips will get very dry while you wait for that first drink of water. It's a long time until the next morning. They will supply you with a spray that will moisten your mouth but it's kind of icky. The chap stick will help a bunch.
Hey Dixie, how is that new thin and trim tummy coming along? I bet you look great!!
Crystal lite would be convient and I can buy it ahead of time. I did pick up an ice shaver at Walmart. I am planning on taking it with me if I can pry it away from the kids!! LOL!!
I will definitely get some chap stick.
My tummy is doing just fine. Today it's giving me some twinges that make me wonder if I have some adhesions. Bump a certain spot & I about jump through the roof. Probably should call the doctor but I'm working extra hours for the rest of the week & can't get down to see him anyway so won't unless it gets worse. I still love the little darling though. I'm like a little kid with a new toy. I'm always touching & stroking it. I can't belive it's mine!
On the first I'm going to talk with him to see what we can do with the thighs. Probably won't do it until fall & vacations are done but that will give me more time to lose a few more pounds.