Going to info meeting tomarrow night
Rebecca A.
on 5/15/05 11:53 am - clinton, IA
on 5/15/05 11:53 am - clinton, IA
Just wanted to post and let everyone know that i am going to informational meeting tomarrow night for this surgery at genesis in davenport. NE one else going? Just wondering.
Well i hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend.
God Bless you and yours
Hi, I don't go to the one you are going to, but one in Boone tonight. I am not sure what to expect? I don't know if this like a infomercial type thing or what? Am excited to get this process started. I have about 200 to lose and I want to get started.
I feel like I am getting ready to step on a roller coaster.

Hey, I'll put a positive swing on that, the more practice they have, the better they will be at the surgery....right? ;) I am hoping anyway.
I know a lady who had hers done in Grinnell who is very happy with her health and appearance now. My dr recommended Boone Hospital/dr.
I don't know anyone in Des Moines who has had it, but bet the Mercy meeting covered a large area/doctors, so maybe it isn't as long of a wait as you might think?
Fingers crossed for you. I don't care if the wait is a while, I figure if I don't have it, I am going to be this size anyway, and so when ever the day is, it is very much so, my new beginning.

Rebecca A.
on 5/16/05 3:45 pm - clinton, IA
on 5/16/05 3:45 pm - clinton, IA
Well I did the informational meeting tonite and feel more at ease about the surgery, mom included. I am so happy that i went. Now it is time to start doing things in order for me to have it.
I failed, well not really failed but had a minor set back with smoking today too. I feel awful, not just for smoking but for smoking, if you are clear as mud on that one. I feel sick. So right back on the wagon again and i reassured myself that i didnt fail, i just got distracted for a moment and that i will learn from this and go on. Sad part about it is that i was so worried what my mother was going to say during the meeting and i was totally stressed out about it.....she is one of my support people, but dont know alot about this surgery only that she knows a couple that had it done and was like weight losing nazi's.They look horribly thin and sick. So she was really worried, and i was really worried what she would say. But she didnt really say a whole lot and i stressed for nothing, as a matter of fact she told me that if she was in my shoes that she would persue the same help i am. That made me so happy as well.
So i started smoking again for nothing, but alas i learned something as well...dont stress the small stuff. I am now getting back on the wagon again. The smoke made me throw up and i not feeling very well.So that is a good thing...never knew that smoking was such a bad thing. YUCKY. So i hope that it wont be as hard this time as it was the first couple of days. I only had one so maybe it isnt that bad, i hope. Anyone else fail at their first try?
Anyways...i would love to meet you and Andrea...just cant this week. I have things i need to get done around the house and probably will take me most of the week to get done now. I am just so tired. Last week i cleaned my carpets and my house got cleaned....ha ha ha yeah that is the last time i cleaned. Boy what is a matter with me. I hate the way i am so tired and lack the ambition to do the things that i once throughly enjoyed doing...yes i know i am weird but i actually liked cleaning. Now it is such a chore that i dread it.
I hope that everyone's weekend went great and that the coming weeks will find you all blessed with love and happiness, and dont forget to toast to good health.
God bless you and yours