5 and a half weeks out!
I eat carbs......for me if I am not careful they are the
But for me it is that way because I have NO self control still, and they give me nasty cravings for more and more....those are only the bad carbs tho....I eat oatmeal and popcorn regularly. The only foods I cannot tolerate are real eggs and tuna......and white bread and some pasta. I can eat eggbeaters without a problem tho. I can eat spagehetti noodles but ravioli or anything thicker and I
tuna too
When I eat icecream (a couple times in 17months) it makes me super quesy/burpy! Popcorn is a lowfat high fiber snack. The first time I ate popcorn I about died of a stroke....I could not believe how much I ate....I finished a whole bowl......but I learned that is chews down to almost nothing and that is why we can eat a lot of it.....I eat thin crust pizza, no problems.....I got ****y tho and tried regular crust pizza
and I can eat two peices of thin crust easy........but if you think about it, it is only a couple ounces per slice for the thin stuff. I don't do so well with rice a bite or two and I am done.....but I love like generals chicken or garlic beef....some people tolerate rice some don't.......it is a game a chance....but if you don't tolerate it, you will know real quick like.....lol!!! I eat chips and salsa.....BUT chips for me are a huge red light food, as with pretzels or pringles......I choose not to eat them on a regular basis becuase they are not a good food for me.....I have a handful here and there until the bag is gone
Same with nuts....I still have a lot of work to do everyday!!! But if you can control it, ENJOY!!! My surgeons plan has us eating potates,pasta, rice, fat free crackers you name it!! I just have to be careful with my personal choices because I am a stay at home mom that has all day to think about food and snack
I eat A LOT of mexican food.....I love hot sauce, salsa......tacos....beans.....carne asada...you name it!!!! For a long long time I could not eat tortillas......they balled up and
But now I can....but I never had a problem with hard shells.......If your getting the healthy ones and can handle it......go for it!!! I hope your viral thing is gone.....it sucks to be sick......Im dealing with some pissy sinuses right now...and nothing seems to help! You are super lucky you have no problems with fluids......I don't either but some folks really struggle!!! And about the protein the only thing you can do is try try try.....it gets easier and easier the farther out you get!!! Take Care and 44lbs sounds like you are doing great

My doc's office actually recommends low sugar oatmeal. Great source of protein. I LOVE MEXICAN TOO. Carlos O Kelly's is my fav restuarant. Used to have margarita's with my meals but I don't think I'll be able to do that anymore. Which is ok because I have one and I'm tipsy - never been a big drinker. I heard that they're really sweet after surgery and best to stay clear. But the food at Carlos is the bomb!!! I love chips, salsa, con queso, seafood chimi's, and they're pasta diablo. I won't be able to do that anymore because it's a pasta dish. I used to love Thai Pad Noodles at nothing but noodles too...some things you just know you won't be able to have!
Noodles expand in your stomach, like rice and create a VERY full gross feeling. Chinese will be good but I think I'll stick to Chicken & Brocolli or what do you think of Sesame Chicken? It's fried thou and I want to stay away from that.
Sweets were always a big thing for me. Cinamon Rolls, Caramel rolls, cake, chocolate, etc. Anything sweet I could get my hands on, I ate. With a vengence!
Thus, my situation. Last summer, not kidding, ate 3 Cherry Dilly Bars a night. Yep...I'd buy them by the 6 pack and go once or twice a week and I just loved them. This summer...not so much!!!
I'm doing well on my protein and vitamins today because I feel so much better.
I'M WEARING JEANS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A YEAR AND A HALF. Yes, jeans. They're a size 20 but still. They're not pajama pants or sweat pants. I'm starting to feel better about myself.
Have you had corn on the cob? Brats? Coleslaw? I'm just trying to think of the summer foods we always have on the grill...with a pool, we grill out every night. And the 4th of July BBQ is here this year so I have to have good foods for everyone...not just me!!!
Thanks for the support Jesi..you'll never know how much I appreciate it!

If I am not careful and eat to fast sometimes corn on the cob will make me
I think it is the corn in general....those husks are hard on regular stomachs, we kinda have no chance with it really.....LOL!!! But sometimes it sounds good......especially from the BBQ!!! I do fine on coleslaw and brats.....but it is weird, I get a sick to my tummy feeling if I eat a hotdog.....Brats are fine....hotdogs are too greasy I think...NOT SURE
Another thing I LOVE to do is make veggie kaboobs for the grill.......alternate sliced bell peppers, yellow squash, onion, mushrooms, it is a great combo on the grill
I tell you it will be crazy trial and error....what is awesome for you might make me sick as hell......lol!! And of course Vice Versa!!! You learn something everyday it seems!! I can do fried stuff....I don't care for sesame chicken but the generals is fried...but some people dump on fried stuff to, again you will just have to try! And I have the low sugar oatmeal every morning now with a packet of splenda and some flax seed, milk and spray butter!!! YUMMY!!! Ask any questions....it is scary thinking about getting flamed or whatever....but I am honest....what is the point of lying or acting perfect when that helps no-one
I am far far far from perfect, but I work kinda hard and try to make the right choices
Take Care

That's what I thought about the corn! It is really hard on your belly and it's a starchy veggie anyway. I love fresh green beans and cauliflower though. I hope the Farmer's market has great green beans this year. I love them with some I can't believe it's not butter spray and some pepper.
I had a half of a fat free hot dog last weekend and
! It was so salty that I just couldn't eat it. Angie told me to beware of Brats because of their fat content.
But maybe by the 4th of July I can try a half. Have you tried almonds? They are a great crunchy snack. I tried cashews but they're too oily or something. They aren't as good. I just love almonds and they're a good source of protein too.
I worry about getting flamed and then I'm like...why? That is what this site is for. Asking questions! And you're right, what is the point of lying when all it's going to hurt is yourself??? I start my workout program tomorrow and I'm nervous. I hope I don't overdo it! But I'm kind of at a plateau...I'm stuck at 218. The scale just hasn't moved in 3 days. I'm hoping working out will help! Talk to you soon!!!

Okay ~~ here's my 2 cents, and I'm a year out. I did have Dr. G, but as Dixie stated earlier we both decided this is something we have to do for life and we have to live with it also. At your stage I tried to stay away from carbs -- most all of them, but now that I'm a year out try and just do moderation for everything. I can say once you get back into eating them and sugar too (I don't really dump anymore) it gets a lot harder. I eat rice with chinese but not more than 3 or 4 bits of it mixed. I have dumped on General Tsao's chicken because of the honey, but everything else has been okay. At your stage brats didn't set well with me, but I can eat them now ~~ same with hot dogs. I try and stay away from processed meats like bologna and summer sausage -- too much fat and too salty. They usually make my stomach feel icky anyway. I can eat quite a bit of cooked cauliflower and with cheese and like to substitute it for having mac and cheese. Too much pasta can make my tummy feel icky anyway. Raw cauliflower and broccoli can give you gas pains so don't overdo on it. I do eat pizza, but try not to do too much crust. Also, if I want a sandwich I make it on 1 piece of bread and not 2.
There probably isn't anything I haven't tried (eating or drinking) since my surgery. That said, I've lost over 100 lbs, but am having a heck of a time losing the last 15.
I think that's why people are stressing to stay away from some of the "bad stuff" as long as possible. Take advantage of your "honeymoon" period to its full extent. I pretty much quit losing after 8 months and I do exercise also. I wish I had been stricter when it was easier. That being said this is a for life thing and I don't want to be "on a diet" for life either. I think the whole point is to re-learn your eating habits. There are definitely going to be "trigger" foods. I can't have Oreo cookies in my house. They are evil for me. I used to love ice cream, but it doesn't really call my name anymore because that is one thing that usually will give me a belly ache. I can have a few spoons and that's it. The no sugar/fat free stuff really gives me a belly ache so if I'm imbibing it's the real thing.
Sorry this is so long, but I think in the long run, especially those of us that are a little ways out just want to share some of our "wisdom" with you. We want you to succeed the same way we have!! Keep asking the questions.... And as Jessi said what works for us doesn't always work for others. And what works for you today, might not tomorrow either!
Lap RNY 4/14/2004

Jen, sounds like you and I have a lot of the same food addictions. My dr allows me to eat low fat crackers, baked chips ww toast etc. I am 2 1/2 mo out and although I havent tried alot of these foods yet I have tried some things. I am a huge mexican food lover and so I do get combo burrito and unwrap it and eat the meat and beans. I have had on occassion tortillas chips and cheese dip but I only eat 3-4 chips. I have bought sugar free ice cream by Edy's and had no problems. I know you need to watch your sugar intake as well as sugar alcohol. I only eat a 1/2 cup of the ice cream. When I do allow myself to eat the no no foods I do so in moderation and not often. I have also found that when you do eat carbs it tends to fill your pouch fast and you dont get the protein that your body needs. Sound like you are doing great anyway. Keep posting even if you dont always get the answers you want to hear and remember your surgeon knows best. Lots of luck and hugs going your way.