Beginning steps
I went today to my family doctor, he referred me to a doctor in Boone. He said he has a 100% success rate, so he highly recommended him. I have reached a point in my degenerative disk disease that I am so miserable. He said that even though he can not stop the degineration, the surgery would help to slow it down.
I am only 39, and he said that is way to young to be in the condition I am, let alone the weight issue. So, since I have high blood pressure, arthritis, and the problems with my bones, he thought I was a high candidate for the surgery. I go to a information meeting on Monday. I am excited, the thought of weight loss is great, the thought of less pain is more than I can almost handle.
I have 4 kids, 2 are still young. I have to be here for them and able to do as much as possible with them while I can. I love horses and can not ride, but love to watch. The kids ride and we had our first foal this year, it was so exciting. I just want to keep being involved with this stuff and not sit on the side lines from a window.
I will keep watching this site for updates on everyone. It has been a great help to read on this forum. Thanks. Kathy
Sounds like you have a good chance having three insurances.....I also have young ones at home and they were my biggest reason for wanting this sucks sitting back and watching as life passes you by! I felt that I did a lot with my kids......but now that the weight is off.....I realize I did hardly nothing with them!!! THey as well as my hubby and self are so much happier!!! It is great having a life again! I couldn't imagine being in constant pain.....I hoep the surgery helps ya out a lot with that!!! Take Care and keep us updated!!!

Thank you, I want you to know that your pictures are beautiful. I am not going to have my "before" picture done until the day I go in (fingers crossed I am approved) and then I will have one done. A friend I use to bowl with, well her daughter had the surgery one year ago, she looks and more importantly, feels amazing. She is looking at her future life in a different way now, and has found someone who loves her very much. Wow, I am almost silly over all of this!
Oh my heavens, you have a picture wearing horizontal stripes and you still look absolutely great and thin thin thin. congratualtions.
I have 4 kids and can not wait for the first hug that reaches all the way around again. I have not always been heavy, has been about 18 years though.
My husband seems to be as excited about this for me as I am, not because of the weight exactly, I know that has some to do with it, but so I can hopefully get some relief on my back and legs.
Thank you so much for your reply. I have been reading all the profiles of the Iowa people to see how their experiences have gone. It is amazing. I have cried a lot over the last 24 hours over this. You all have just amazing stories and the accomplishments are great. I hope to have this go through quick and get on a list or what ever is next. I told my husband, I just want what time I have here on this earth to be as great as it can be, like my family dr said yesterday, picture yourself in a field of daisies, sound of music in the background and you are still standing on your own.
I know that sounds corny, but you gotta know my dr, he is great. Stand up comedian act comes along with each visit. He knows my future will involve a wheel chair, but as long as we can hold it off...well, the better. Plus, he said that when it comes to that point, I don't want the weight being an issue because of sores and problems that can happen for people in a chair.
I have a LOT to lose, but so many of your stories have proven it can happen. I am reading reading and reading some more and will continue to until the day I get approved and have surgery. Thanks and again, you are all so great to share your stories, I am going to do the same thing for future people to read. Strength is truly in numbers!
Kathy ~ it sounds like you are taking all the right steps. Be patient with the process, sometimes it seems long, but it is so worth it in the end. We're here to support you and answer your questions however we can. I haven't ridden a horse since I was a kid, but am looking forward to doing that this summer at a friends. I have a list of other accomplishments that I can do now and it feels great!!
Be sure and get before pictures and measurements (as awful as it may seem while you're doing them) it's really neat as you go along to go back and see where you've come from. Mine are an inspiration to me when I'm feeling stuck.
Best of luck to you!!
Lap RNY 4/14/04