It's been awhile...I'm doing well!
Hey everyone...I've been lax on posting! It's been crazy getting back to work, then we had a convention all weekend. Our computer at home has been down for a few weeks, so I'm posting from work...shhhh! I've lost 53 lbs since the liquid fast, 33 lbs since my surgery April 6th...I'm so excited that my clothes are getting bigger...even my feet are already smaller. How much should I expect to lose a week during this phase? I know everyone is different, but was wondering about a guideline. I could keep up with my co-workers this weekend as we were walking to classes at the convention...that hasn't happened in awhile. are you surgery buddy? I'm having a problem with milk, but so far so good on meats. I really miss bread, but it comes and goes. Let me know how you all are doing....Take care!
Congratulations on your loss. That is really good. I am happy to hear that you are doing good on your meats. Milk can sometimes be a problem for awhile but maybe latter you can try it again. I drink "Carb Countdown" milk it has extra protien and I can drink it where I don't handle the regular milk. You might try it. I don' t know which company makes it though sorry. But keep up the good work and keep us posted. Cindy G.
Hi Colleen, glad to hear that you are doing well. I haven't heard from Jen in about a week so I hope she is doing better. I have my first consult with Dr. G's office on the 17th. I already had my PCP send all the forms and referrals to Dr. G's office so now I just need to find out what kinds of tests they are going to want to do. What tests are mandatory with them? I'm still really hoping to have this surgery in July if possible. My husband's insurance is also Wellmark PPO ( Rockwell ) so I'm hoping for a quick approval too.
Keep up the good work and keep your fingers crossed for me that things move smoothly.

Thanks Cindy and Leslie...I've heard about the Carb Countdown, I'll have to try it!
As far as tests go, it depends on your insurance, your co-morbidities, etc... I had chest x-rays, bloodwork, a sonogram, an EGD due to acid reflux, psych eval, etc... It seems like a lot of hoops to jump through, but trust me, it's all worth it. They are just trying to protect you and make it go as smooth as possible.
Take care!
Hi Colleen ~~ sounds like you are doing great. I still have problems with milk (I'm a year out), but can handle cheese, yogurt, etc. okay. I've heard the soy milk won't give you those problems. You can also get the lactose-free milk which should work also as the lactose is the culprit. Your first 6 months is your real honeymoon period and everyone is different on their losses. Just keep up the good work and get your protein in. Also, stay away from the carbs as long as possible. Once you get that taste back it makes it alot tougher as your body will want them more and more. If you do bread - do whole wheat and start with only 1/2 slice. Same for any crackers - like triscuit thins - they are whole grain. Stay away from saltines and Ritz - they're terrible for you - all white flour.
Good luck

Thanks Janie...I just read your profile. You are doing so great! Your current weight is my goal weight, I can't believe it is a possibility.
Thanks for the nutrition advice, I need all I can get. Do you have any advice on cookbooks geared toward bypass patients? I'm not a cook, and would only be cooking for one or two, so I'm not sure where to look. Not much luck at Barnes and Noble.
I know there are cookbooks out there, but I'm a "dump and pour" kind of cook. Great protein ideas at your stage are also fish and salmon. They have lots of protein. You can do salmon either sauteed with just a little lemon juice or use the salmon in a pouch and mix with a little mayo. You can roll that up in a lettuce leaf and it's good. Talapia and cod are also good -- just saute in a nonstick pan. Keep adding a little water to keep moist. They cook really fast too. I also ate (still do) a lot of chicken. I use boneless skinless chicken breasts and like to brown them in a skillet just a bit and then cover them and bake. They also cook up really fast - don't overcook them. You can use a little BBQ sauce for dipping or I really like the "spicy ranch" salad dressing. If you're worried about getting too much sauce, dip your fork tines in the stuff and then pick up your meat. You get much less this way, but still get the flavor.
Another good protein with low fat is sliced mozarella cheese. It's just like the string cheese only cheaper to buy and slice yourself.
Another favorite protein was no fat refried beans mixed with a little cooked ground beef. You can even melt a little cheddar on top. If you're going to splurge (and I'm not condoning this) you can use a tortilla chip, broken into smaller pieces to dip this. Be sure you are getting more of the bean mixture than the chip with each bite!!
Keep up the good work - you will get there!!! I still want to lose about 20 lbs and am terribly stuck right now. I would give anything to be back where you guys are just starting out. Be sure and exercise as much as you can to really help boost your losses too!!

Holy buckets of gravy lady - where have you been???? I've lost your phone number and have wanted to call you oh so many times!!!!! I was in the ER yesterday...viral infection in my intestines that had me throwing up and pooping like mad!!! I have not been at work all week because of it. Now in fear of losing my job...wonderful! I've lost a total of 43 pounds but I have not been active enough.
I'm not okay with milk either and have you tried soy milk? Oh my gosh gross. I would LOVE a tall glass of skim. I haven't eaten anything since Monday because of this stupid flu bug. They put me on 24 hours of clear liquids but it can't be jus****er....Propel, Gatorade, something with calories. Which tastes okay and has stayed down.
Please, if you can, call me soon. Sometimes I feel like I've made a huge mistake. Others when I put my clothes on and they're baggy, I'm But because I've missed so much work, I may lose my job. Just try to call soon, k? Thanks and miss ya!