Not sure if it is me or what...
This may be kind of weird sounding, but has anyone on here, after losing thier weight, had problems with a overactive, um, desire for "relations". I feel like I am going thru a second puberty, which I am sure is a result of my weight loss, but it is kind of getting old. Just wondered if anyone else has had this problem, or if I need to be seeing the doc.
Ok, Kyle, I'll bite. I have an idea no one is brave enough to respond.
I don't think you have anything to worry about. You know you are more attractive to the opposite sex now & it gives you confidence. Naturally you'll be more interested in "it." I've been married 34 years & lets say that my husband has a big smile on his face all the time now. I wasn't overly interested when I outweighed him by over 150 lbs and after the tummy tuck it's even better!