A Wakeup call
I am a whiner
I totally admire and respect Lei......we talk a lot actually!!! The Iowa boards aren't near as bad as the main boards....were the whining is concerned!!! BUt I agree.....a lot of us go into this HUGE MAJOR LIFE changing surgery to only decide it is too hard to drink 64oz of water or eat protien only.....When really....we should have known going into this that it wasn't going to be a walk in the park everyday......and you know what.....you do have to JUST DO IT, if you want to succeed! I do pretty well with everything BUT and it is a BIG BUT, exercise......I know I should, I wish I did.....but it is something that is super hard for me to do with family and life and absolute hate for it
But I also know the only one it is hurting is MYSELF and I don't whine knowing I could have done better with it.....and I do work on it everyday (or think about it at least
) and maybe one of these days I will actually get into the groove of it!!!
Dixie you are a major supporter on here and I often agree with everything you say!!!
I know you weren't trying to single anyone out or make anyone mad.....you were just giving us an awesome inspirational thing to read! I for one thank-you (even tho I have read it 100 times
) And to Tina......I am sorry for your troubles....but being able to not physically exercise IS VALID and don't feel bad about whining every now and then.....that is why we are all here......to help eachother....I know I need all the help I can get!!!!! Anyways everyone take care and have a great weekend.....

Wow! I agree that there is no crying in baseball and I LOVE that line...I use it at least once a week.
To the rest, I'm confused and I'm not. If that makes sense. I see your reasoning and I agree. I think it's hard for people starting out to see what you see and then I agree...we've had enough time in our pre-surgery bodies to know that this is a LIFE CHANGING EVENT. I think the whining is basically people reaching out and saying, "Hey, I need some support!"
I'm a whiner. I am. I am in pain and I'm tired of not feeling normal. However, I am only 4 and a half weeks out, working and raising a family full time. So yes it's going to be hard. I can do it though and I have the excellent support system of this website and my close friends and family. Yes, I gag on my pills and shakes taste gross and water is hard to get in. But this is a learning experience for me and I'm up to the challenge. Somedays are harder than others and I put everything down in my profile for myself to look back on and say, "Oh man, it was tough but look - I got through it!"
Nice words and great encouragement Dixie. Thank you!