The baby is here!!!
Just wanted to let you know that my son, Luke Stephan Dennis, was born on April 22, 2005. He weighed 6pds. and 15 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. He was born at 36 weeks and 6 days old. Everything went very well and he is very healthy.
I just want to let those of you who have been trying to have a baby before surgery, there is hope following this surgery.

CONGRATULATIONS, Stephanie and hubby and little Luke!!! I'm sure that he is just beautiful! Did you gain a lot of weight? How much baby weight have you retained and do you still want to lose? Did you have probs eating during pregnancy?
Sorry for the questions. You know that I still want to have another baby, but have some big decisions to make. I saw a plastic surgeon Tuesday and he is already submitting everything for insurance approval. I asked him about having another baby and he said that I could have a baby before OR after surgery. AHHHHHHHHHHH, decisions, decision, decision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance for the answers,
God bless,