Update - Haven't posted in awhile...
Just wanted you all to know that slowly I'm getting better. I needed to post (Thanks Leslie!) as I feel so alone if I don't hear from my fellow WLS buddies. Speaking of, I haven't heard from my surgery buddy Colleen in a long time...come out, come out wherever you are!!
I still get these ripping feelings in my belly where my incisions are. It's very frustrating. I'll be cleaning house and I'll bend down to pick something up and almost die from the pain. I hope I'm not just a wuss. I haven't been eating much at all. I am getting only about 15-20g of protein in a day as Jenny told me to focus on getting my liquids in first and that consumes most of my day. And the whole don't drink a half hour before you eat and up to an hour after you eat, really throws me off!
I have been taking my vitamins though and every night I almost throw up because of it. Oh, I hate gagging on pills!
Sometimes I get really tired really quick and I have to lay down. I tried going back to work last Wed but only made it a half day and talked to Dr G's office. They said to take more time because everyone is different. So I am going to try half days starting this Wed and then go back full time on the 18th. I have a growing family and I think that plays a HUGE part in my recovery. I'm so busy with them that I don't focus enough on myself and my recovery. It's hard but it IS getting better.
Does anyone have constant diarhea like poo all of the time? I think it's me poo'ing out fat but wanted to be sure that this is normal. Sorry for the bluntness there...didn't know how else to say it. Let me know if you could and any protein ideas would be super. Thanks for being there y'all. I have no idea what I would be doing without all of you...
Many hugs,

Jen, ok, so was I nagging?? LOL sorry, but was anxious to hear how you were doing. I'm sorry to hear that you are still having some pain. I've heard that the bowel problem is pretty common. At least you aren't constipated which can be much more painful. Have you been reading the main board? Have you been to Tooter's website? She has so many great ideas for food there. You HAVE TO get your protein. Are you drinking protein shakes at all? Have you made a big pot of chicken soup? You could eat just the broth now and freeze the rest. Then when you are able you could put some in the blender and make a cream soup out of it. Come on girl....lots of protein, lots of water!!! Ok, I'm nagging again LOL
chin up girl!! Leslie
I haven't been to tooter's website yet but will try. I have been reading the library on foods and post-op problems. It's hard though because a lot of the entries are really outdated. I'm just not hungry at all and I'm NOT a cook by any means. If it can be microwaved - rock on! I have been doing better on my water. Crystal Light isn't what it used to be. For me, the best taste is ice water. And I mean, I put A LOT of ice in it!!!
Gotta run but I'll keep ya posted...thanks Leslie!!!
Hi Jen
Hang in there it just takes time and my abdomen hurt for a while especially my right upper quadrant where they did most of the work. It does get better day by day. As for the bowel department I am always loose and very seldom constipated. Just remember when you feel the need to pass gas
to be weary that you might get a surprise with it!
It has happened! As for the protein I get most of mine through protein drinks. I am 14 months out and have to supplement I try but I just cannot eat enough. I am seldom hungry and make myself eat. Ask Dr G office if they have any sample powders for you to try. I personally like the Amplify Release protein drink from GNC. But each person is different I have tried alot of different protein drinks before finding one that doesn't make me sick. SO it is trial and error with me. You'll find your source. Glad to hear from you was wandering how you were doing. Do you know Kim T? IF you do how is she doing? I emailed her a couple of times would like to know how she is doing. Well take care! Kim L.

Thanks Kim! No I haven't heard from Kim T - Colleen said that she has been trying to get a hold of her but to no avail. I hope that she is okay.
I will go to the Protein powder as soon as I have any extra ca****'s been so financially difficult for us since surgery as I haven't been working and hubby took FMLA to take care of me so we missed a lot of income. It's so hard to catch up!!! We will probably be selling our house soon just because we can't make the payments. Oh but enough of the depression for now!!!!
Yes I had the passing gas feeling the first day back to work last Wed and boy I really thought it was just gas. Nope! Had to change my panties!!! Thanks for all your help and you're right...it is getting better!
The bowel movements you are having right now are normal for your stage. Since you aren't eating much that is solid yet it will be loose & you are right, it is FAT!!! It will change as you add more solid food. But listen to Kim; she knows what she is talking about. Don't expect it to be gas. I have a nickel sized stain on my beige bedroom carpet because I thought I had gas & it wasn't.
I also have the weird pains since the tummy tuck. Tonight I bumped up against the counter, nowhere near the incision, & thought I had been stuck with a pin or something else sharp. I checked & there was nothing sharp there so I bumped it on purpose & felt the pain again. I believe it may be an adhesion but if it continues will ask the PS next time I see him. Maybe you have adhesions or scar tissue causing your pain.
Try to get in more protein. You will heal better & faster. I know it's hard & the shakes aren't very good tasting but it is important. Do visit Tooters website. She has good suggestions.
Oh, and you are not a wus! Dr G told me I was, though, & my husband laughed so hard I thought he would fall over! Must have been because I took him away form a football game one Sunday afternoon to check me. MEN!!!!!!
Thank goodness it's FAT coming out or I'd be really upset! I say let it out then! The incisions have hurt a lot but today seems better. I do need more protein. I had 2 pieces of string cheese yesterday and that was it. I just need to get a good protein drink that I like. I also need to find a money tree so I can do so!!!
Thanks much Dixie!!!!
Morning Jen
A wuss you aren't!
The drinking/eating thing was the hardest I think. Now it comes naturally but in the beginning it's a new program & hard to adjust to. And there are so many old habits to break along the way. Don't ever put a glass of water or anything on the table to drink when you sit down to eat.
Do you drink Carnation Instant Breakfast (sf of course)? Do you use Fitday.com by any chance to track? You might be surprised at the amounts you are taking in, I was afraid I wasn't getting in enough protein & I really was by using that.
Far as the pooing....isn't that p-u'ing?
Yeppers, just getting your system cleaned out...careful when you bend over! Tooters site is fantastic you will learn alot from her. And check out the recipe board also, some good recipes on there.
When I scramble my eggs (microwave) I always melt some cheese on top of them, there's some protein for you of course cottage cheese, yogurt are good also.
You are going to tire easily & when your body is telling you this lay down & rest. You don't want to get run down. Have you tried liquid vitamins? What kind are you taking? Dr has me taking calcium citrate & those are horse pills! You can always cut your pills in half also.
Hang in there you are doing fine!

Eggs just aren't tasty to me anymore. At first I was so excited to be able to eat because I missed flavor but now it's almost an imposition to find something that I like. I do like smoked string cheese from the Hy-Vee deli. I had 2 pieces yesterday and that's all the protein I had. I did get all my fluids in though. I used to LOVE, I mean, LOVE Crystal Light but now the flavor is just too strong and it makes me feel gassy or something. I just stick with ice water.
I'm taking the Bariatric vitamins that I ordered from Walgreens.com. They're chewable and they're not too bad. I have to take 4 of those a day plus my B1 at night. Then I have to take my bp medicine and my anti-depressant along with my Prevacid. Those are the ones I have problems with. I do cut them and put them at the back of my throat and take a drink. As soon as I feel them in my throat, I gag and almost lose it. It's horrid.
What is tooter's website??? Thanks Carolyn!!!
Hi Jen!
You talked about gagging on pills. Have you ever tried VitaMist B12 and then the multi-vitamins? I hear they are wonderful! I think there is a calcium spray also. They specifically have products for bariatrics patients, including protein drinks. Might want to check it out at www.vitamist.com. The prices did not seem all that bad either.
Good luck!