Surgery tomorrow morning!
Hi there,
Tonight is my last day on earth with this big tummy and I'll tell ya what, I am SO ready to give it up and get my new "thumbelina" tummy! I go in tomorrow morning at 6:30 am for surgery. I think I am ready for it - at least as ready as anyone can be for the unknown. Keep me in your prayers!
I wanted to thank you all for being so brave and candid with your posts. I know I wouldn't be at this place without reading all you have written. Your courage helps others like me so keep posting!
Well, this Magnesium Citrate stuff is not allowing me to be far from the powder room so I'd better get going. See you all on the LOSING side!
Whoo hoo!

Well all your well-wishes did the trick! The surgery went "picture perfect" (doctor's words, not mine) and I was able to leave the hospital on Wed. instead of Thurs. Liquids, jello and broth are staying down well although the water is hard to get in. I don't know if it's because the pouch is small or what, but it feels weird. I have 2 drains that are just disgusting and have to give myself a blood thinner shot every day and Im still pretty sore, so all this is not a walk in the park, but I think I am doing well and I know eventually I will heal and be better and be truly on the losing side with all of you. WOW, I can't believe I did this! HA! What courage it takes. I applaude you all. Thanks again for your support. It truly helped. *HUGS*