I'm 30 years old today!!!!
I can feel every bit of it too!!! I wish I could party and celebrate but yesterday and today I've been in a lot of pain.
I had to finally call the doc's office today because my incision on my waist line hurts really bad. But when I push on it or lay down I can't feel it. It's like it tugs at me when I walk or stand up. But if I walk around holding it, it's fine. So Lynne told me that it's probably a hematoma (blood clot) around the incision. Either that or a popped internal stitch and she said there really isn't anything they can do. I can take Tylenol and apply heat compresses and rest a lot. She kind of lectured me on doing too much and probably lifting somthing I wasn't supposed to yet (my daughter!) and told me to stop it!
So here I am on my 30th birthday, resting and drinking my fluids. No partying for me! All in all things are going well though. I don't nap nearly as much as I did that first week and I'm typically in a good mood.
So everyone who can, get out there today and have one for me!!!
Love to all,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You gave yourself the best gift by having this surgery! Wish I was 30 again! I've got 5 years on ya! Anyway!!!!! Hope your feeling better and yes I know it is hard not to lift etc... our loved ones but you don't want a hernia that'll be a whole other ball game. Hope you have a good one! Kim L.