Had some puddin' today...!
Under my PA's advice, I tried some Sugar Free Vanilla pudding today. DECADENT! I hope I spelled that right! I used a baby spoon and was thoroughly satisfied afterwards. I didn't take any pain meds until about a half hour ago! That's so awesome because I hate the taste of it and it makes me really hot!
Doing better every day. Had my JP Drain taken out yesterday. Weird feeling but I feel so much better now and I could sleep on my side last night. I'm 8 days out and down to 240. Started at 263.
Gonna go sit in front of a fan now!!!
Sleeping on my side is ok IF I have a blanket in between my legs, my heating pad on my belly and a pillow under the side of me that I'm sleeping on. My head has to be way propped up too. But hey - I'm sleeping on my side!!!!
Did you ever have any bruising around your incisions? I have a VERY large bruise on the waistline incision. It's very tender.
I need to call the office tomorrow to ask a few questions that I forgot. Like, when can I take a bath, when can I start a workout program, when can I go swimming and will I be able to eat string cheese in the future. One of my absolute favorite sources of protein is smoked string cheese. I get it at the Hy-Vee deli and let me tell ya...wonderful filling snack.
I'm even more excited to try the Sugar Free Butterscotch pudding!!!
We can chat anytime lady! I'm here and will be until probably April 27th! I am taking some extra time off work because ...well, I just want to darn it!! I just wi**** would start being a little warmer so I can get some things done outside. You ARE going to be on the losing side soon and I'm not going to lie to you...the first week is ROUGH. I think that by having my gall bladder out it's been a little more difficult but I'm still very tender. It feels like someone has pinched me so hard around my incisions.
Going to bed now because it's like - golly - almost 2am!
Glad to hear your doing good. Wow you got pudding already lucky you! I remember my tube coming out it really didn't hurt it just felt like a pop. it was weird. Have you tried tylenol for discomfort? You can get it in liquid form (gotta watch it though has sugar in it) I only did a half a dosage cup at a time. They even have tylenol in suppository form. The sooner you get off the roxinal the sooner you can drive. I agree with Dixie it was a few weeks before I slept in my bed let alone on my side. You must be one tough cookie!
i am a puss!
congrats on your weight loss have you measured? you really see the inches melt off
Well hope you have a good nights rest! Later Kim L.
Yeah I think Angie was trying to win me over by bribing me with pudding!!!
Nah, she just knows that I CANNOT take my pills and crush and liquify them...I throw them right back up because it's bitter.
I only took my Roxicet once today and I didn't take the whole amount. I'm going to go the whole day tomorrow without it. It just makes me so hot and I feel nauseos after I take it. I haven't measured yet. I'm too scared. I did put on a pair of my sweats today and nope - can't wear them anymore. They kept falling off of me!!!! that's a feeling that I don't ever remember having!!!
It's great!
People say that they did sleep in a recliner for the first few weeks. One, I don't have a recliner or a rocker and two my bed is my domain. I can't even nap on my couch. I never have been able to sleep fully anywhere other than my bed with my blankies!!! I feel like a little girl when I say that but it's so true!!! It's like 2 am so I'm gonna go up to bed. Thanks Kim!!!