Just a thought..
Just wondering if anyone has ever appealed a decision denying medical insurance? I'm getting ready to appeal Medicaids denial of my insurance for several reasons. I know alot of people have appealed the denial of the surgery but haven't heard of someone appealing the denial for insurance.
I truly am the
in disguise..

Morning Tracie,
I had to appeal medicaid. I went to the pharmacy & had a print-out of what the meds cost monthly ($1029.04 per month) that the state paid. My family doc & PA each wrote a letter of support as did my cardio dr (had a mild heart attack while waiting for approval) & wrote my own letter. I didn't go into statistics as they know them but wrote from the heart. I was approved within a few days. I am now diabetic/high blood pressure free & the cholestrol is about out the window. Good luck & keep us posted.