gonna be gone awhile
Sorry I haven't been offering much support the last couple days....I have been super busy getting ready for our vacation. We fly out tonight to the west coast and won't be home until April 23rd!! I am totally going to have major computer withdrawals......I don't know what I am going to do with out my obesity help
I will be thinking of all of you and can't wait to get back to the boards.....I am going to try my darndest to eat well and drink well and take all of my vites while I am gone....they are all packed and ready to go, I even packed protein powder and bars
Well everyone take care and do well!!!

Tears for me :' (, joy for you
!!! You have a blast and remember to call me if you start having problems!!! I'm only a phone call away. Now, who am I going to call while you're gone??? I'll be lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have fun, be good and ENJOY your time away from home.
Prayers for a safe trip.
God bless,

Jesi -- ohhhh, I'm so jealous. A vacation and to someplace warm to boot. Have a great time and relax and enjoy yourself. You'll probably be so busy having fun you'll forget to eat!! Don't miss us while you're gone, we'll just be back here slaving away, working every day and watching our scales!!!
Have a great time!!