just wondering what others did...
I'm just wondering at what point did you all that have had wls start eating REAL FOOD? I am 2 weeks out, and still on the Carnation Inst Breakfast, Cream Soups, pudding, yogurt. Im sooooo sick of eating the same thing over and over....can anyone help me with this? I had my wls at UIHC, and Im just wondering if I can start eating some soft food...if not what is the reason for one month of full liquids? By the way, I have had no dumping or any other problems from liquids.
Thanks in advance,
I was eating soft foods in the hospital before I even went home!!! I think I was on soft foods ( FF refried beans, scrambled eggs, sf yougurt,pureed cottage cheese, pureed vegies ect) for 4 weeks. At the 5th week, I could add crispy foods. Bacon, crackers, well toasted toast, baked tortilla chips ect) Every surgeon is different!! I guess you have to decide if you want to try any soft foods. If you absolutely are sick of liquids, you could try a small amt of something soft. Try one bite, wait 15 minutes. If you tolerate it, try a little more. If not, go back to your liquids. I know that if people are honest, alot of us tried things that weren't on our diet yet. Don't try meat, or anything solid, be sensible!!! Your stomach will let you know if it's ready!!! Good luck!!! DeeAnn
I have to agree with Sherry. Follow your surgeon's instructions to the letter. If he says 1 month of liquids, then 1 month. Don't try to second guess him & do what other doctors have their patients do.If you wanted to follow another doctor's system, then that is the doctor you should have gone to in the first place.
Not trying to come across mean & nasty but listen to your doctor. They do know what they are doing & have a reason for having you do what you are doing. Most of us have gone through this too. It worked for us & it will for you. We didn't starve by not starting solid foods earlier.
The gals I know who decided they knew better than the doctor continued to second guess him. When he said exercise everyday, the patient said 2 days is good enough. When he said no snacking, the patient said "well a handfull of crackers won't hurt me." When the doctor said no drinking with meals, the patients decided she couldnt' do that & washed her meals down, wondering why she got hungry so fast after eating. When he said 60 G of protein & 64 OZ of fluids minimum, she said, "I can't possibly eat & drink that much." I wonder how well she did losing & maintaining that weight?
Ditto what Nancy & Sherry said!!! Your dr. knows best for you. In order to have success, please follow your own dr.'s orders. I would have hated to created my own complications because I didn't feel the need to comply. It's all worth it in the end - just stick with it. This is really a life long journey -- don't let your head dictate your stomach!! Trying not to be to stern here . . .
Lap RNY 4/14/2004

Hey there...I can't be too much help because I am only 8 days out! Yeah me!!
Tonight I did try some Sugar Free Vanilla pudding and it was good. I was able to eat the whole thing too which is weird, I think. I went to my one week check up yesterday and Angie, the PA, said I could incorporate sugar free pudding. But I'm not supposed to be on semi-solids until next Wednesday.
I would follow your surgeon's advice. They do what they do for a reason and even though they're different in their ways, there is a method to their madness!!! I know that's not what you want to hear and I'm sorry. I know each surgeon is different but you wouldn't want to follow one surgeon's rule and then switch it up because of what another surgeon does. I wish I could be more help - good luck to you and know that it will be over soon!!!

Hi I didn't get to have what your having until I was 2 weeks post op. Our surgeon had us on clear liquids 2 weeks before surgery and 2 weeks after surgery then we went into the foods your eating now. I guess I wasn't hungry. The reason we can not eat real food is that this is a new pouch and a new opening into this area. You don't want to do anything to irritate or cause a rupture to this delicate area. I am over a year out and I still am afraid if I swallow too soon before getting my food chewed to liquified. I want to do what ever it takes not to stretch or ruin what I have. I have seen this surgery fail. Only because they were not following the pouch rules. Please do what your surgeon asks you to do. This is a life saving tool and I want you to be successful and healthy! Any questions please ask
Kim L.