Finally told me parents
pheww- what a relief.I guess I was afraid they would not support me - or think I was taking the easy way out. But My Mom just asked some valid questions (why now? good Dr? etc.) and said she would try to help with the kids as needed. She was relieved that I told her lap-band (my cousin has suffered some severe complications after his RnY) and asked where she could do some research. One more thing to check off my list....

I was also afraid to tell my parents and they were not happy. The first thing they said was "People die from that". I just told them I would have a greater risk dying from being my size. It did help that they were able to talk about it with my uncle's girlfriend. She had it done and told them to tell me to do whatever I had to get it done. She is in her 60's and said her life improved 100%. Talking to her has helped them alot. They still worry but that is what parents do, right? Its great she would help with your kids. One thing less you have to worry about. Cindy
I wasn't nervous about telling my family or friends and rightfully so, as everyone was extremely supportive. They all know how I've struggled with my weight for so many years. You would be frightened if you went to any of my family reunions on either side of my family. There are only about 2-3 family members who are not overweight. I think that once I do this and they see my success, some of them will consider it an option for themselves.
I was a little worried when I presented it to my PCP since I remembered how he was so against the Atkins diet when I started it even after my bloodwork came back so much improved after only a few months. I was really happy when he said he supported me 100% and thought it was a very good option for me.
One more wee****il I attend the seminar in Cedar Falls and then the process will truly begin.