Just wanted to thank everyone for their words of encouragement. I've always believed that things work out the way God wants them to and it will be done in HIS time not mine.
It's not always easy to accept or understand but it is fact.
I've talked to my best friend about this and together, we've uncovered, if you will, some of the reasons why God has choosen me to not have surgery yet. June would be much better, kids would be out of school not so much runnin around to do with ball practice and games and she would be able to help me more. That's just one of the reasons I've come to the conclusion of.
Anywho, I will be scheduled in June, not sure what date and I know my profile says the 13th but that's just a tentative date.. I just wanted a date!
I'm to call the surgeons office around the middle of May to find out for sure. Found out my surgeon that I wanted will no longer be there either. That just means I'll have to talk to one of the other ones but to me that's not a big deal. All the surgeons there have a 'good track record' so I'm not in the least bit concerned.
Again, thank you all.. You don't know how much you're words of encouragement have met to me. Knowing that we are not alone in the trials we face is ironically wonderful. To have someone else to talk to who truly understands they way we feel and the right we have to feel that way when others look at us and do not understand.

to all.. (we need a hug-toon around here!)