Happy and frustrated!!
Ok I'm going to vent. Sorry!!!!!!!
I'm so happy because I got my approval letter from my primary insurance Friday!!!
I'm frustrated because my secondary insurance hasn't made a decision yet. The problem is Grinnell is out of network for me and if my secondary insurance doesn't approve me I'll have to pay 30% or change to Mercy which is in network. I really wanted to have surgery in May but the way things are going I might have to switch hospitals and that would take even longer.
Well I'm still excited because It least one of my insurances approved me. It seems like a lot on people on here are getting approved! Congrats to ALL!! AND GOOD LUCK. Thanks for letting me Vent.
Yeah keep us updated!!! Hopefully that second insurance will foolow suit real quick like!!! And just in case.....I hear great things about Mercy as well! And since you have almost everything done.....Mercy might just be able to get you in quicker! Just keep an open mind....things have a way of working out for the best!! Take Care

Hang in there Melissa!! You're one step closer. I've also heard good things about Mercy. Just remember, though the waiting is hard, it will all be worth it in the end.
Congratulations on your first approval, we'll all cross our fingers and say a little prayer for the 2nd one to come through too.