I have a date!
My heart has been pounding all day
My surgery is June 15th- I have such a busy May I just couldn't work it in. It seems so far away- but I know how fast time goes too. I have been on the phone all day making the other appointments (nutritionist etc.) and then on -line all day reading and typing.
Oh- I am just filled with all kinds of emotions- mostly excited
I guess!?!?!?!?.

WooHOO ......
June does feel like a lifetime away....but it will fly by! Plus with May being busy for ya, you will have a lot of other things to keep you busy too!! It is a crazy mix of emotions.....joy, excitment, scared poopless.....we have all been there!!! Just keep on checking in here and learn as much as you can before surgery.....being fully knowledgable about as much as you can really helps! Take Care