4/11 ROLL CALL and goals
Oh NO!!! Not that dreaded PMS.....so sorry hon!!! I am late as usual...rats!! Actually I was out of commition pretty much yesterday...I am so stressed about this vacation that I worried myself sick.....Sunday night I was pretty nausous and Monday morning had a very bloody stool....apparently all this worrying got my ulcer in an uproar......I pretty much took lots of medicine yesterday and took it easy. I have got to learn to RELAX!!!!! But the house is pretty much in order, I just need to get packing!! Also with this ulcer flare-up no drinking on the vacation....I better take A LOT of my happy pills
No new goals....just try to do good, and have a decent time on our vacation.....I know for sure I am going to have major puter withdrawls
Oh well.....My fave color right now is pink also....I feel so young in it (not sure if that is a good thing or not) But I also love yellow and blue
Take Care and I will call you before I head out!!

Hey Jesi,
I'm going to call you about that blood issue. Do you need to call a doc before you leave to get that checked out again? Don't jeopardize your health because you are going out of town! I'm sure that you will take lots of good pills and your ulcer meds with you to help handle the stress. Man, you think you're gonna have withdrawals? What about me? I'm going to have major "Jesi withdrawals"!! And to think that you'll be gone for the support group meeting, too.
Listen to all of us in our cute little pink clothes!!! I also like yellow - it looks good with a tan (which I don't have yet.)
Now, you have to get your mind set to have a nice, relaxing time on vacation!
I'll call soon.
God bless,