4/11 ROLL CALL and goals
Good morning,
Thought that I would get this on early for those of you who like to post early. How is everyone this week? How did last week go for you? I did wonderfully until I bought a box of no sugar added ice cream sandwiches from Wal-Mart Friday night. Needless to say, the box was gone by Saturday night. Well - they are out of my life now. I have beaten myself up about them and will hit the gym extra hard this week to pay the penance. But, today is a new day and the beginning of a new week - gotta be positive and say that I will do wonderfully!
2) One small evening snack.
3) Sit at the table to eat meals.
Do you have any goals for the week? If so, now is the time to post them. If not, just give us a holler and let us know you're here. For the question of the day - (silly one) - what's your favorite color? I love red. However, I am into wearing pink. (I have some really cool lipstick that accents my pink clothes.)
Well, hope to hear from lots of you today.
God bless,
Hello Andrea
my week went good went to dubuque over the weekend and saw jesi she looks great we had alot of fun went to lunch and shopping it was fun,I wish the swelling would go down i feel much better though.my goals this week are walk,water,and getting spring clean up done,and not get stressed,lol my color is pink and purple bought some pink tops over the weekend have a good week take care
My goals, well, I am looking for an attorney again. Health is starting to get scarier. I am having more anxiety attacks, headaches, and skin blisters. I'm not complaining, though. I have more energy to do more walking.
Need to somehow drink more water.
I love purple and cobalt blue.
Sorry so short, but gotta get to class.
Take care
Lisa Young
Hi Andrea & all,
My goal for this week is a strange one. I'm going to wear panties! Yes, that's right, no more going camando. Well, actually to be honest, I didn't go that far. Tomorrow I get to give up my compression garment. I'm actually kind of scared. I tried going without it for a few hours this morning but felt really vunerable & unprotected. It's back on now. It has become my security blanket. I have an idea I will get used to being without it pretty fast though, especially when it is warm. I will continue to wear it while exercising & doing those crappy calf chores. And I'm also supposed to take it to work with me since I work evenings & I tend to be somewhat swollen by then. I also am looking forward to the day that my tummy isn't swollen but according to the plastic surgeon that won't be for a very long while. It can continue for 6 months or so. It is only puffy at the worse so I can't complain very much. I also am still working on my goal to lose 25 more lbs before I talk to the PS about fixing my icky thighs.
I don't have a favorite color, just ones I don't like, beige and peach for instance. They make me look naked. I tend to gravitate to the deep rich colors like garnet red, forest greens, navy blue, rich burgandy but I wear pink now that I don't think of myself as a big pink elephant.
Hmmm... I better try on my underwear. I may need to stop at WalMart before going to work so I have some that fit. Can't have them falling down. TeeHee.
Dixie, I hope that you got some new undies - can just imagine them falling off when you were at work!
After ps, you really can stay puffy for up to 6 months? Why is that? It really is good that you can recognize when you need to wear the garment. I still am anxiously awaiting my consult in May - then I go and overeat last night like there's no tomorrow! I even had to make myself
because I hurt so badly! I am so ticked at myself today - and then I brought tons of food to school. I know that it's PMS and I just wish that I had more control during that/this week. I did, however, make some cheese crisps this morning, so if I am snacking, it will be on protein. I also have a brand new pack of gum sitting on my desk and one in my purse. I will just have to remember to open it up and put a piece in my mouth. I'm also terribly grumpy and that's not good for my family!
Now, aren't you soooooooo glad (in a sarcastic tone - you know, it's the PMS) that the ps released you to do the calf chores??? He couldn't just hold off for another month or so, now, could he???
Well, I'm sure with your work, chores and exercising that you will lose that 25 pounds quickly. Keep up the good work!!
Here's to the pink brigade - definitely NOT pink elephants!!!
God bless,

Oh, don't beat yourself up about the overeating. Just start over anew! It is so hard to stay away from the things we used to have all the time.
Yes, after PS it's nothing unusual to get swollen for several months. I don't know why but all the books I read agree. I wonder if it's because he separated such a large area from the blood source & then put it back together. It all has to knit back together again & it takes time. It's not real bad, just kind of soft & puffy. He assured me that eventually it would be flat & hard.
I do belive that the healing is taking much longer than any of the other surgeries I have had. It is still numb and that's normal too. I guess that the nerves need to heal up to. Right now, I can rub on the incision & I will feel the sensation about 4 inches away. Really weird! Funny thing... know how when you are pregnant, you find that you rub your tummy alot? I know I did & always thought I was carressing the baby. Well, now I carress my tummy just the same. I think I am comforting & protecting it.
I survived working with the trainer to get some tips to help me lose inches on my lower half. I tried the stairstepper but wasn't real impressed by it. I only stayed on it for about 5 minutes & decided that was enough for me for one day. Then, after tackling the weight machines for awhile, I went into the locker room & removed the "garment" & have been without it ever since. It's great! And, yes, I did buy new undies! Can't have any accidental drooping.
just wanted to pop in and say HI.. things are well... going wel anyhow, and I am trying to keep my head *above water* so to speak..
and I wanted to REMIND ANDREA.. her pic on her profile is 1 year old now girl!! we need to see what you look like now!
better keep working on that homework, only 4 more weeks to go.

Hi, Judi! So glad that you popped in! I can't imagine how you are holding up with school and the move and all! When do you move? Are you waiting till your son is out of school? Is the house fixed up?
I am supposed to be working on homework towards my master's, but there just isn't enough time in my day. I need to start staying up all night - but then, I eat so I can stay awake. I used to smoke, but don't want to start that again. I can't give up my time at the gym - I just can't!
Okay - you got me - I'll work on a new pic. I don't look anything like the one that's posted now. All of my long hair got cut off - the length is coming back, but it is still so thin that I can't stand it. I pull it off of my face with a comb every day. My sister reminded me on Sunday that I am still looking quite "bald". Like I needed to hear that! I also have these wrinkles in my face where the fat is gone. I think that I need fat injections now. I feel like I look like I'm in my 70's - needless to say that I'm NOT happy with my looks right now and may have a hard time finding a picture that I like to submit. (SORRY - if you didn't read my post to Dixie, I have PMS very badly this morning!!! Don't really mean to have the "poor me's"!)
Well, you hang in there for these next 4 weeks and keep popping in so we can know how you are doing! Have a great week, you tattoo'ed and pierced wild woman!!
God bless,