I'm on the Other Side...
This hurts a lot more than I ever imagined. I'm so gassy!!! I walk, I take my simethecone drops, I take my nasty tasting pain killers and I hurt. My whole abdomen hurts. It's all shaped weird and it just hurts. I kept wondering if I did the right thing yesterday....
I don't remember a lot of the day of surgery. I thought it went really fast but I wasn't in my husband's shoes so who knows! I did not see Dr. Glas**** once during my hospital stay. That really disappointed me. My husband saw him for about 10 seconds. Why is that? Huh. The nurses were phenominal and walking is the best thing to do.
Colleen, how ya doing? I'm not doing too well....as you've guessed I'm sure. Did you see Dr. G? Didn't you think that was a tad odd? Oh well. I left Friday around noon. I was so tired and sore. I feel just weird. i hope this feeling goes away...I miss my daughter!!!
They updated my profile page, it looks great. Check it out! I'll get more pics up there when I'm up to it. How long does this last????
Thanks for everyones support,
Jen oh how I remember the pain the gas was the worst and my shoulder.
I slept in our recliner for a few weeks. I took my pain medication routinely but I starting cutting myself back as the week went on. Each day gets better and your doing the right thing with walking I would do it a little at a time just around the house. If the simethacone drops aren't working you can get gas tablets that are chewable. THe drops taste nastey but they worked for me. Dr. Glas**** showed up in the mid of the night I hardly remember him being there and Angela did my discharge. Well welcome to the other side!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just happened to check on the computer and saw your entry but any questions we are all more than happy to help!

Hi Jen and congrats on making one of the most important decisions of your life! I remember right after surgey when I was trying to wake up. All I could say was "it hurts" and my hubby and best friend were laughing at me because that was all I would say. Well, it did hurt for several days and even though it's a dull memory now, I know that then it did really hurt and I wondered more than once what I did to myself. But as time wears on and the lbs keep dropping (even though they are dropping more slowly now) I know I did the best thing I could have done for myself. I feel so much better than I have since I started gaining all the weight. I've lost about 130 lbs in 18 months and I feel great about that. I know a lot of people have lost a ton more than that in that amount of time, but I feel good about what I've accomplished so far.
I'm sorry you didn't have good communication with your doctor after your surgery. Personally, I thought that was one of the most important things while I was still in the hospital. Hopefully you'll have better luck during your first follow-up visit.
Hang in there and know that the best is yet to come. Take care of yourself and get the rest you need right now. Let us know how you are doing.
Welcome to the other side, you loser
I don't think I had much for gas pain so I can't help you there. As for surgical pain, after I got to moms I tried not to take the pain med except in the am, and then before I went to bed. Seemed to work for me, but we are all different. I did like to lay a folded bath towel over my tummy. Seemed to add just enough warmth and support to be soothing, without being to heavy. I even took it with me on my first post op appt. Helped with the hour-plus ride.
I barely remember Dr G being in my room the afternoon/evening of surgery, he was talking to my family. Told them I was a 'difficult' surgery due to the 'type' of fat I had. I saw him 2 days later, he came in and poked and prodded because my dear wonderful nurse Christie went to bat for me and said I needed a diuretic to get my kidneys going. They were having a mind of their own and the orders were to keep hanging the bags of fluid, in hopes to jump start them into working. Didn't work and I bloated like a toad.......... anyhooooo he came in then, and then that evening around 10:30 I felt so much better, losing the fluid, that mom and I were walking. He happened to be in the hallway (he had been seeing someone else). He questioned us about the urine output and told my nurse to pull the cath.
one less tube to trip over......
I think the new guy in his office, (can't think of his name......) was in also, but that is fuzzy. Angie released me.
Maybe you could think of it as it is a GOOD thing that you didn't see him??? Meaning things were going as expected???? Would be a positive perspective.......
My tummy was odd shaped too, seems forever, but it is 'normal' (but smaller
) now, 13 weeks later.
Remember we are all different. It is an adventure everyday. I have yet to ask myself 'why in the hell did I do this????'
Today I took an hour plus long hike at my folks. Through the timber, pasture, up and down hills etc. It was great. Me, my dog, and nature.
And new found stamnia to be able to do it all without feeling like I was going to die.
I have my 3 month f/u appt Wed am at 0930. I am hoping to break the 300 mark then.
BIG supportive hug!!!!
Keep the faith

Morning Jen,
First off congrats 

A suggestion to you, if you have a rocking chair start rocking away as it will help get rid of the gas. And keep walking that's the best for you. To bad about the doc one never knows if they are having a busy day or what is going on with them. Remember everyone is different but you should be feeling much better in the next few days, each day you will progress.
Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers for a speedy recovery.

WELCOME.....to the loosing side!
I know the pain killers that they give is the most vile tasting stuff you could ever put in your mouth, let alone try to swallow, but it did help with the pain and I had a lot of it too. I did not get a full nights sleep after I got home for a week. The rewards are well worth it though when you start to feel less pain and you see the weight coming off. In another few days you will find that you are moving around a little more and it won't be so difficult to find a comfortable position.
And I remmber my tummy looking like an extremely lumpy pillow after surgery. Was lucky enough not to have problems with gas pains but sure got the hiccups alot and was very burpy the first month.
Keep a positive attitude and rest alot, take naps, sip your drinks, read a good book..let your body focus on healing itself. You'll be up and feeling better in no time.

Welcome home, welcome home, welcome home!!! You have gotten through the physically hard part and now the healing and relearning process comes into play. Give yourself time, hon, your insides have been re-routed. You will take some time to heal. I had open surgery, so didn't have the gas build-up. Had plenty of other pain, though. Just know that it gets better with each day. Rest and get in plenty of fluids.
Congrats and God bless,