Met with my new surgeon 4/7/05
I meet with Dr Rogers today,I think hes AWSOME...Hes straight to the point,He doesnt beat around the bush...As Dr.Rogers was talking, I could see how much of a compassionate man he really is... He really is about finding a solution to the problem, not the commercialism of it... He feels that I will be approved,I was at the hospital & his office all day so I was so drained & sick all day & had a bad migraine
ouchy & sshhhhhhhh please my head hurts...I meet with the dietian first,She couldn't belive how well I had researched & how well informed I was,I was embarrassed & proud of myself at the same time...Then I had to goto 1 of thier group meeting & guess who was 1 of the speakers Beth the Dietians & during some of the class as she was speaking she would refer & look over at me and say how prepared I was now that was embarrassing let me tell ya...Then after class I went & met with Dr. Rogers...He is a straight shooter, he talks straight no bull crap...And my opinion never changed about him...And Fawn was so caring,She is so helpful SHE TAKES CARE OF BUSINESS TOOO...You dont have to worry about anything Fawn takes care of it for you...Dr.Rogers is also very Big on aftercare, groups,etc Told me all the risks of surgery or life without surgery....So now I am just waiting to hear for a approval... I should here something this comming up week & then we set the date for surgery...I was just thinking to myself what the H*LL am I doing,I was sick all day & night im just so nerveous,I went for being antsy to nervous...I was told to just breath & relax it will be ok & take 1 day at at a time...
I hope this helps

Once you have your surgery, you will wonder what the heck DID you do, but once you see the weight fall off and battle throught the post op blues and emotions, you will realize this was the best thing you could've done. I know you want to be able to keep up with your grandkids, and this is what it is for. That's how I think about it. I am doing it to improve my life and also for my girls so I can keep up with them. Call me anytime if you need to talk! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS FROM MY HEART!!}}}}}}}}}}
Morning Janelle,
I'm so happy you found a dr you are comfy with, to me that's the most important. Ok gang who also went to Dr. Rogers? I remember reading about Fawn & the kind of gal she is. You will be fine hon what you are feeling is perfectly natural. Soon you will say why didn't I do this sooner? Keep posting & asking questions as needed.
It is nice to be well informed......helps along the way! Our surgeons sound a lot alike....mine also was a straight shooter and his nurse was a no bull kinda gal!! I personally liked it, they know what they are doing and therefore can be blunt and to the almost made me feel safer! I will be sending well wishes for a super speedy approval
Take Care