Help... I'm approved!
I was just reading about the others who have just been approved and Wha- Lah !!!! My letter arrives in the mail.
I have received my insurance approval.
NOW- what do I do???????
I have spent so much time going back and forth and thinking that this will happen 'someday'. Now I am a couple of appointments and surgical date away. This is very scary.
I know eveyone keeps saying they have no regrets...
but how did you say good- bye to those big celebration dinners and sharing a bottle of wine with your loved one???
I think it is going to be very hard......

Big (((HUGZ))) Jennifer
I am waiting for approval to. I should here something this comming up week & then we set the date for surgery...I was just thinking to myself what the H*LL am I doing,I was sick all day & night im just so nerveous,I went for being antsy to nervous...I was to just breath & relax it will be ok & take 1 day at at a time...
I hope this helps
I am about a week ahead of you in all the thoughts and feelings that are probably racing through your mind right now. It is SO much to take in. Sometimes I think I cannot wait to get rid of wanting all the good food and wine - then a second later I mourn the loss of it. Im Italian and that's just part of my culture. I also cook soooo good so it's going to be hard to focus on liquids, proteins, vitamins and cottage cheese. Think of it this way, it really is only temporary. Friends of mine who have had it done get back to eating normal things in the future - only a LOT less of it. Also, some of the things you may not want after surgery. If you're this far, you've fought for a long time with your weight. A plate of pasta is not worth all that anguish over weight. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. I CANT WAIT to feel thin so it's worth it to me. Stay positive. You will do fantstic girl!
- Dawn
Hi Dawn- I was just looking at your profile - peek!
Are you in the Des Moines area? I live in West Des Moines but am going to Omaha for the sugury.
I sure hope we can get over the wine thing????
My husband and I are both chefs. He has to work a 'real' job to support the family, but I have a catering company and do 3-4 events a month. I am surrounded by good food all of the time- imagine how I ended up this weight?!?!?!?
I was talking with a friend who had adjust lap-band about 8 months ago. She said we all LOVE food- whether for emothional, cultural, coping or culinary reasons. You don't gain weight if you don't like food. That gave me something to think about. Jennifer

Hey Jennifer - Peek away. I need to update my profile - you reminded me!
Yes, I live in the Des Moines area and I am going through the Mercy Capitol program. They are extremely thorough and I know two people who have gone through it so far and are doing well. What made you choose Omaha?
I don't know about getting over the wine thing! I am sure after a while we will be able to tolerate a glass or so - but I know it's on hold for me through the rest of this year. I am not going to do anything to jepordize this procedure!
Wow, it has got to be hard for you to be around all that good food all the time. Just keep in mind that it is what caused you to be where you are at now and remember all the feelings your weight is causing you. Food isn't worth it. You'll be able to taste it eventually, just not pig-out on it like we were able to before. I like that part of it. I like that I can taste things but cannot overeat.
You're going to do great! If you want a WLS buddy - email me and we can keep in touch!
- Dawn
Oh my gosh - that's wonderful!!! Yes, it took a lot of soul searching to find my decision of's got to be worth it. My family is pretty large and I actually mean that in more than one sense!!! They love big gatherings, lots of food and some alcohol at every occassion. This was a big decision. HUGE. I think I'll really miss eating and making myself feel so bloated from eating so much. Seriously! But then I look at my aunt's and my grandma and their obesity problems. It just amazes me how they still function. I don't want that for my daughter. I don't want to be on all these medicines just to keep me going when I can start over.
I don't ever want my children to be embarrassed to be seen with their mom. More importantly, I want to play with my 2 year old and get down on the ground and color and I can't do that right now.
I just had surgery 5 days ago...yes this pain really sucks. Yes, they need to be more informative about all that you go through. But yes, this is worth it. Heck, it's done now!!! Don't much have a choice!!! Who's your surgeon? I had Dr. Glas**** in Cedar Falls and his staff is wonderful. Email me anytime with questions because lord knows that I have second guessed my decision a million times since Wednesday!!!
I hope you are doing well with your recovery. I am so happy for you to be DONE with it. I am hoping it isn't much more pain than a c-section. Of course with those I had a cute little baby to take my mind off things.
I too have little ones and I have noticed as I have reached a certain weight I just don't want to play as much and I can't keep up as easily. That saddens me! I also say I would do anything for my kids and this is deffinetely one of those things. I do think I am doing it for myself also- but mostly for the loves of my life.
I hope youare feeling better and I'll be thinking about you as you begin you loosing.

Congrats on your approval.
I was like you when I found out, wondering what do I do next. I called my surgeon's office and checked with the insurance to make sure they got their copy of the approval letter. She verified they did and said she passed it on to my surgeon's nurse and she'd be calling to schedule a date. Boy the time waiting sure seems to crawl. Hang in there, we'll be on the losing side soon.