Joy shortlived..
Funny how life gives you it's little twists and turns and pokes ya in the arse and doesn't even kiss ya before or after. Was approved yesterday and then get a letter in the mail today saying my insurance is cancelled because I make 73$ to much.. yee haww.. I'll give up 1000$ a month if it means I can be healthy. I'd give up my job too! Oh well, such is life.
Called them back a little later this afternoon, to make a long story short I'm not eligible for titleXIX anymore but I'm eligible for spend-down. It's just like having regular insurance they will pay everything after X amount of dollars. So after I calmed down and thought about it what they are wanting me to pay isn't as much as what a 'normal' deductible would probably be for an individual policy.
I have decided tho I'm gonna screw with their heads for awhile.
Apparently my worker is 'scared' of me because she had to go get her supervisor to 'deal with me'.
Cry me a river
The woman puts me on hold without even telling me and get her supervisor, I'm talking.. blah blah blah and all of a sudden I hear.. "hi Tracie I'm so-n-so's supervisor" I thought what the H e double hockey sticks. I tell her how unproffessional I think that is and she says.. I knew it would hard to try to explain this to YOU that's why I instructed so-n-so to come and get me when you called. WHATEVER. They take into consideration my husbands income for household income but then when it comes to the number of people that are in the household they don't include him??
I tell ya what.. I'm at a loss for words. So come monday morning I'm gonna mess with their heads a little bit, just because I can.
Can ya tell I'm bitter?? Maybe not bitter just dissappointed.
Thanks for listening sorry for the long post just had to get it off my chest.