Visited Jen & Colleen
Jen & Colleen had their surgeries yesterday at Sartori & I managed to get there to visit this morning. They are doing great. I saw them shortly after coming back to their rooms after their leak tests which they both passed with flying colors. They were both sipping water and loving it.
Most likely, they'll be going home tomorrow and they will be posting when they feel up to it.
Hey y'all...Dixie is truly awesome. She came and man does she look great!!!!
I feel like a*s. This takes such a toll on your body!! It is getting better every day. I tried to lay down for a nap this afternoon and couldn't sleep. I felt good enough to actually roll over to my side. WOW!!!
That was a super treat for me. I was so mad last night that I tried a drag off of a smoke...uh YUCK!!!
Won't be doing that in the future. I'm just mad that I'm not a month away from my surgery date!! Isn't it crazy how we all wish and wish for it to come and then when it does you want to just shoot yourself and be done with it?!?!
I'm just going through many different feelings right now!!! I was really upset about something that someone I don't even know said to me on another website as well.....I think I'm PMS'ing!!!!
Hugs to all,