I just felt I needed to write. I'm a little down, ok a lot down. Still no insurance. Today, I have a tough decision to make. Whether to put my 1 month notice in to move. I have no money, and Low Income Housing is saying that there is no funding, and that I should find a cheaper place to live. Well, I just can't move like that. I told them, if you can find me a cheaper place, in a "nice" part of town, (not prejudice, but there are a lot of scary mexicans out there), I would go ahead and move. But I'm happy where I'm at. I was going to move from the top floor to the 1st floor, but Low Income housing wouldn't let me do that. Dad is talking the Vice President of his bank, to get a job. Encoding checks. He knows the President and vice president, they both have said that they would help me out. But it is just if they have an opening. I'm excited.
Then, yesterday I found out that Dr. Eibes from Grinnell, (last month he was planning on moving to Des Moines) well, he's moving to Chicago. My landlord had surgery (tummy tuck) a month ago with him and came back and told me. But I hear there's even a better surgeon in Mason City (only 3 hours away), so that's where I'll go.
5 more weeks left of school left, hipp hipp hooray! I was planning on taking the summer off to have my tummy tuck done. But with no insurance, it may not happen.
Well, sorry so long. This helps me get things out. Thanks for letting me go on.
Take Care
Lisa Young
Hey Cheer up!
There is nothing wrong with moving back home! You are young, and in school......Your parents love you and even tho your dad can be rough, I am sure they would help you out!!! Just think of all the stress that you could release.....not having to worry about rent and heating and stuff!!!! If you get a part-time job, great.....still live with them until you can save!! I know how bad stress is for a person and if money and school and everything else has you down, it will only get worse unless you give up some stress!!! With school coming to an end you might be able to find a partime/fulltime job that has benefits!!! I wish you the best luck......Try not to be so bummed