To all the plastic pro's
I am scared
I have an actual appt with a plastic surgeon for a tummy tuck consult on May 3rd
I am just so scared of the thought!!! Anyways I wondered how long it took to get approved by insurance for surgery? I am not expecting miracles, I could very well be denied, but just curious of the timelines.......and if you were denied, did you fight it and win?? Any help would be appreciated!!! Thanks so much ...Take Care

Hello Jesi that is awsome I was approved in 2 weeks the panni is the easiest one to get approved for im not going to lie it was painful but everyone is different I thought it hurt more than the gastric bypass but not as long. im still kind of sore and stiffed I cant wait to get back to normal im going to try and go walking next week my leg is doing better except when the weather is yuk out. you will have to keep me updated and yes I need to go to shopko and shop,lol tonight im going out with Roseanne and Tina from clinton here that will be fun. take care
Good luck, my major problem was the $100 consult fee.
I went to a PS who is with a GS to have my hernia fixed- if they were going in they might as well do both IMHO. The surgeon said he could fix the hernia and the TT should be approved as I have so much hanging skin, he also said he could tighten the muscles when he went in to do the hernia...
I went to the $$$$$ person who said the "cosmetic" part would cost me $3000. The cosmetic part was not the TT or the herina repair it was the muscle tightening. Hello he has to do that to fix the hernia.
All kinda scarey,
Then after I talked a bit she "said" she could do it for $1500 OK too strange for me.
305/146 below goal
Mine wasn't covered so I can't help with the insurance question except to say that my PS said he NEVER gets the procedure covered that also repairs the muscles. If you are satisfied with just removing the panni, then if it's bad enough, the insurance companies often will pay.
Now, I felt that this was much easier than the RNY. Within less than 10 days I was sleeping on my side with no pain. I was back to normal activites, with a 10lb lifting limit, right away. I did find that it is best to take it as easy as possible. I still sit around alot. At 4 weeks I consider myself recovered. However, I still have 2 weeks before the surgeon will release me to exercise but don't tell.... shhhhhh .....I spent 20 minutes on my Gazelle today with no problems.
Are you kidding, Janie? I'm milking that out (pun very much intended) for all it's worth! I'm waiting 6 weeks & no sooner. Those babies can get along without me just fine. Also makes Al realize just how important I am to him.
Actually, I am really concerned about lifting. Right now, when I pick things up I feel the pull in the tummy area, even when I pick up 2 reams of paper here at work & that isn't much weight. I don't look forward to carrying 2 5 gallon pails of milk at a time, or even just one. Thats over 40 lbs on each arm. I have an idea Dr Bastug will frown on me lifting that much. After the last two surgeries I took more trips & carried less at a time. I'll probably have to do that for awhile.
Boob job, huh? You'd probably like that!
Congratulations! My TT was approved in 2 weeks. I had the same general surgeon do the TT that did the RNY. I also had a 9 inch hernia to repair from the RNY. I was in the hospital for 4 days, then back to work in 2 weeks. The support garment was the biggest pain. It needs to be pretty tight, and you wear it 24/7. I was really terrified, and backed out of the repair that goes clear around the middle. That was in December, and I still have a little tenderness in the incision area. Mine's low, like a C Section. Between the hernia repair and the actuall TT, they took 18 pounds.
Keep us posted and good luck!
Jeri H.
Do you have a lot of excess skin? Man, I was really hoping that I wouldn't have any now I'm terrified that I will and I won't have enough money to cover it and be all depressed about that!!!!
What will insurance cover for? I didn't think they covered anything that had to do with cosmetic stuff. Fill me in because in about a year, I'm gonna be lookin'!!!
Good luck to ya and I'm sorry I didn't have any answers for you!!