SE Iowa support group- PS info
Hey all-
Just wanted to remind everyone that we are having a plastic surgeon at our next support group meeting April 4 at the County hospital in Washington. Actually a famous PS..... one who invented the belt lipectomy, The wonderful tummy tuck that tucks you all around will be there, to answer questions etc.
We meet at 6:30 at the Washington Co hospital. Please respond if you need directions!
RNY 10/27/03
Bowel resection after obstruction 6/17/04
Distal NOW.
Other peoples opinions of me are none of my business
hey brenda
I will be moving down that way this summer, to Van Buren county (the only county around with NO STOPLIGHTS IN THE WHOLE COUNTY)! lol
anyhow, I am glad to see there is a support group down there.. once I get moved down I will have to start going.. I would love to show that plastic surgeon how terrible my belt looks in the back! LOL. (when they rolled me, they had a hard time connecting the dots I guess, LOL)
anyhow, I will have to keep in touch!
Judi D.

here is a website of the pics of my surgeries, yes they are pretty explicit though, so keep that in mind..
No, I just had my doc that did the bypass do my belt lipectomy.. maybe it doesnt look that bad, but I hate the back part anyhow.. now to work on getting the thighs done.