Help! Questions for surgeon...
I went to my appt fully loaded.........I wanted to know everything!!!
1. what is his death rate
2. what is his leak rate
3. how much will he bypass
4. how long of a hospital stay
5. total overall complication rate
6. after care & program
7. what kind of goal weight to expect
8. is someone on-call all the time for concerns/questions
9. do you do an upper GI for a leak test
The list could go on and surgeon had most questions answered by the time my meeting with him was over.....but it is your right to ask anything you want.....they have to tell you stuff like death rates, and leak rates etc.....the best thing you can do for yourself is ask every question you have......the more informed you are the better!!! Good luck!

And even though I went through it already, I'd be interested in hearing the answers to your questions. I already know his death rate-----0 but would be interested in hearing what he says about the rest.
By the way, Yes to the leak test. What a nasty thing to get to drink after being without liquids for over 24 hours but, boy, does the water & ice chips taste good when you get back.
Good luck & have fun! Oh, & if you get a chance, check out the scrapbook. You'll see some names you'll recognize.