Helping Andrea w/goals & rolls
Our dearest Andrea has spring break this week......So she is painting the town red with hubby (she teaches at a different school than her kids and her kids had last week off
) They are going to enjoy eachothers compnay and do lots of shopping!!! To say the very least...I AM JEALOUS! But she deserves a much needed break!!! I hope her and hubby enjoy it
So I am filling in today with roll call and goals!!! So everyone shout out if your here and what you are all up too!!! I am up to no good
actually I am going to enjoy the fresh air and weather that we are blessed with.....also I will be getting stuff organized and ready for our vacation.....we leave April 14th- the 23rd......I need to make sure house is in order, have everything we need, bills paid etc...I am sure the two weeks will fly by fast! I am trying my darnedest to keep bad carbs to a minimum and get off of this stinking plateua!!! I would love to be at my lowest for vacation.....we will be seeing a lot of folks whom I haven't seen in over 5 years and 140ish pounds or so!!! With this beautiful weather I might be out walking too!!! Everyone have an AWESOME week and check in with us!!! I am not nearly as good as Andrea but I will try and reply to everyone!!! Take Care

wow Jesi, sounds like your vacation will be WONDERFUL!
For me.. I am here..
Still holding steady at my weight, which isnt too bad.
Still kinda disappointed I cant get my thighs done yet.
Well, I am not sure if I have posted much on this, but I am getting married next March.. I have gotten very close to a best friend of mine, and we fit together so well. He had testicular cancer last year, and had 2 surgeries and some chemo treatments, so we both have been thru some major surgeries and understand what its like.
anyhow... so, I will be moving. to Milton, IA in Southern Iowa. wayyyyy southern Iowa.. I live like 10 miles from the MN border, and I will be moving 10 miles from the MO border!
So things are getting stressful here, with trying to get a house fixed up down there, 230 miles away, and finish classes up here and finish my son in school, etc.
so my goal is to KEEP MY CHIN UP!!!!!!!!!
things will workout!
Just like they are supposed to be!
Well, anyhow, enough babbling.. hope everyone had a wonderful Easter, and a good week ahead. Dont forget, next weekend is daylight savings!

WOW Judi you do have a full plate!! That is nice that your son can finish out the school year. Remember I am from Charles City so I know Osage pretty well, you are in for a nice weather seems we always got hit the hardest in northern Iowa with winter junk!! One of my best friends from highschool lives in Osage now! A wedding is an exciting thing to look forward too, I am so glad you found someone to be happy with! Keep that chin up and just thing of all the positrive changes that are heading your way!! Take Care

Shouting***** - I'M HERE, I'M HERE****** - but it will be briefly. Thanks so much, Jes, for doing this for me. Hubby and I had fun today - went to buy new tennis shoes for working out at the gym. Then went to Lowes and bought a storage shed (that will be delivered Wednesday and that we have to assemble,) and a new drill and 800 pounds of cement. Needless to say - we're broke now and will be busy all week on his projects. The way I look at it, as long as we're together and I get to the gym, I'll be fine.
Goals are the same as last week. I see the dietician tomorrow and am sure that I will be chewed out, so I have to be good. I am continue working on good habits and getting in fruits and veggies.
As for getting down a little lower in weight - well, when I hit the gym this morning, I jumped on the scales and was scared because I didn't work out at all last week due to bronchitis. Wow - I only gained 1/2 pound - I can deal with that!!! A few less carbs and an extra workout or 2 (think that we're going to the gym tomorrow morning and tomorrow night - I'm so excited!!!) and I'll be set and ready to lose that half pound and a few more! Now, need to get the s/f candy out of my house as well as ALL crunchy peanut butter. (I have determined that I don't dump on regular peanut butter when I eat just a little of it. Just sooooooooooo high in fat and calories!) Jes, I'm sure that you are gonna WOW everyone when you take your vacation in April. You're a babe and all those folks you're going to see would have to be blind not to notice!!! ONe question, though, What in the world am I going to do without you for so long when you're gone?????
Anyway, that's about it for now. Thanks again for doing this, Jes. I'll bet that you will be better at responding to everyone than I am.
Have a great week everyone- I'm sure that I will!
God bless,
I will call ya and see how your dietician visit went today!! That is awesome that Mark could get some of that stuff he wanted.....give him something to work on
We will have to get rid of that blasted peanut butter for ya
we all have our red light foods, and they change too! For awhile I had problems with pretzels, I quit buying them and the problem turned to nuts, the apples and peanut butter, now EASTER candy......I need to boycott all the junk and shove celery or something like that in my mouth!!! (actually I am knocking on wood as I have done great today) Hey could try celery and peanut!!! Just teasing! Well I hope you do get to enjoy your time with the hubby and get some much needed R&R on your spring break!!! Talk to you soon!

Get homework done - forgot. Thought I had it done before spring break and I didn't.
Walk a lot more.
Drink more water. I've been doing pretty good. Not drinking all the pepsi that I was drinking.
Not much else.
Gotta get to class. Hope my new picture is up. It's been a long time since I have sent it in. So I'm hoping it is up now or will be soon.
Take Care everybody
Lisa Young
It takes a couple weeks for that picture to get up.....You sent it to me tho and I have to tell you how good you look, SO YOUNG!!!! Did you ask them to make the new pic your headshot? I think you have to ask that in the request....can't remember.....You could always write them and ask them. I remember homework, just do your best
I really want to go back to school, but do not look forward to any of that!!! Do you drink diet pepsi or regular? Regular would be bad, but diet wouldn't be so bad if your surgeon allows it!!! I have been slacking on my water some too, it just gets so I have been buying diet juice and doing like 1/2 juice 1/2 water.......seems to help, also now that it is warmer, I am looking forward to making sun that stuff!!! Take Care of yourself!!

Goals this week is to get all my classes caught up since i have been sick for almost 3 weeks with migranes and then lost my voice. Still not up the old me. So i am taking a break from working from the Movie Gallery during the week. will only work there during the weekend if then. I guess i did put to much on my plate for school and working 3 jobs. So i am going to back down on alot of stuff and just focus on school. well talk to you later......Lynda
It sounds like you were doing too much and your body let ya know!!! Heck school alone while rasing two kids is a full plate as it is, you are kinda a super woman, with three jobs!!! :wow: But it is importnat to stay healthy and sane too, so try to take it easy on yourself a little!!! I get migranes a lot too, I used to take prescription meds for them but haven't been is harder to get rid of the headaches now when you can't down tons of pills
AND when I cut down on my carbs to help speed up the weightloss then the headaches are endless, it is kinda an uphill I feel your pain!!! Take Care and I hope you get better soon....sending you well wishes