People are sooo ignorant
I'm sure we've all heard the same story, a friend of a friend of a friend had surgery. I heard the same at coffee the other day & the friend of a friend of a friend had surgery about 2 yrs ago & has gained back her weight. Then she proceeds to say, it will be interesting to see if you gain your weight back! I kept my cool (
) & said I've learned to eat right & why anyone would be so stupid to go back to their old ways is beyond me. Of course this gal is an expert (skinny twig she is) & knows all about WLS! Of course there isn't anything in the world she isn't an expert on. I told her I didn't set my success up to be a failure & yes we would see what would happen within 2 yrs out. I guess we are all under the microscope with ignorant people around us, they are watching us to see if we are setting ourselves up. Guess I know now what Carnie goes thru when she gains an oz & it hits the tabloids! Just venting!

I so hear you. One of my good friends is a stick and she made the comment to me a couple of weeks ago that I will never be able to wear a bikini even after I lose all my weight because of my excess skin. I was like, ya know no one knows what my skin is going to do. I'm only 29 so it might just snap back. Leave me alone! Then my dad said yesterday that I would have a lot of excess skin and I'll look great in clothes. Man!!! It seems like no one has anything positive to say to me about WLS unless I come here or talk to someone who has had it done.
How crazy are these people??? They should just be happy that I'm going to be a ton healthier for my kids! I am not telling a lot of people that I'm getting surgery for the simple fact that I don't want anyone to judge how it works with me later. For example, I do not want to hear one person say, "Well you look like you're gaining a little bit of weight back...guess the surgery doesn't work that well!!!" Arrrrrrr!!!!

I'm with you Jen. I didn't tell anybody except my immediate family that I was doing the surgery. I didn't want to tell my family either but knew they'd be really upset with me if I did something that drastic without telling them but EVERYBODY has an opinion on the surgery and for some reasons, they feel compelled to share it with you. Frankly, I had my mind made up and didn't care what their views were. Its not like I was going to take a vote! Unfortunately, several people I work with have gained their weight back a couple years after the surgery but just like whether or not to have the surgery, the weight gain is their choice also. I don't worry about it but rather use them as inspiration to continue making healthy changes. YOU GO GIRL!