SO Hungry...
I hate this soooo much!!! I can't believe that this is only the 3rd day and right now my tummy is just growling. I feel like sleeping for the next week and a half! How do I get past this? Everywhere you turn, there's food!
I cannot even drink my hunger away. It may also be because I'm really bored at work this afternoon. But I have to cook dinner when we get home tonight and my family is having steak, mashed potatoes and green beans!!!

You can do it, Jen. You've come this far! I'm on day six...almost halfway there, and it is much better now. I went to a movie tonight and it was tough to smell the popcorn but I made it through. Think of all you've went through to get this far and every sacrifice you've made to try to lose weight...that's what motivates me. YOU ARE PHENOMENAL!

Jello is kind of bothering me lately!!! I mean, I ate so much of it the first 2 days that now it kinda gags me! I do like my sugar free banana popsicles though! I do get really full off the tomato soup too! I had some Ramen seasoning in some water...not good. It was so salty that I just couldn't take more than 3 sips. Yuck!
Tomorrow will be really hard for me. My daughters will have tons of candy and then my mom is having dinner at her house. I will save my tomato soup for then. She just always has great dinners and tons of snacks!! Wish me luck!!
By the way, Have a wonderful Easter!!!!!

I'm right there with you my surgery is 4/4. I didn't go to easter dinner I let my mom take my daughter. I almost started crying in the soup aisle the other day reality finally set in. I've been so excited now there's a lot of fear. Are you able to eat yogurt? If so what kind are you eating? Also, what kind of protein drinks are you drinking? Hang in there!!
Hey Nicole! Nice to meet ya...informally!!
I am having surgery with Dr. Glas**** in Cedar Falls and he has his patients on a 2 week clear liquid diet so I can't have yogurt. And I can only have AdvantEdge Fruit Based protein drinks...I get the Mixed Berry. They come in a 4 pack and they're little silver cartons. they are not good
But I have lost 7 pounds. My surgery is on 4/6. I'm almost there! How are you doing?

All I can say is I feel for ya
I didn't have to do a liquid diet before surgery......doing one now afterwards is hard....I couldn't imagine before!!! Keep up with the popsicles and stuff......wishing you the best!! Remember a couple months out when the pounds are falling off it will be ALL worth it, you won't even remeber the pain it is causing you now
Take Care and Good luck

Oh my, Jen, that is sooooooooo hard. I didn't have to do liquids before surgery, only low carb to help shrink the liver. I think that I would tell the family to fend for themselves for dinner - or make things that you don't like much at all. For goodness sakes - don't make your favorite foods just for them.
I had surgery right before the Christmas holiday, so I knew that food would be an issue. I took on the task of crocheting an afghan - a pretty intricate one with some yarn that was really hard to use. Anyway - it kept me out of the kitchen and kept my hands busy............and, my mom got a beautiful afghan for Christmas and her birthday (December 26th).
Sorry that I did not post to congratulate you about getting a date. Your date is right around the corner and will be here before you know it. I did want to add one thing about the bowel prep. Prepare yourself ahead of time with some preventative measures. After several hours into the prep with one VERY SORE bottom and a warm bath, I decided to try some vaseline. That offered some much needed protection and made things more bearable. Also, that warm bath served a dual purpose - I was able to use the tub as a measure as I lost weight. Initially, water didn't flow by my sides and I could not reach up to shut off the faucet without first standing up. Now, I can sit "criss-cross-applesauce" in the tub and actually enjoy baths with my little one from time to time. So,,,,,,,,,,, remember the vaseline and enjoy the tub!
Hang in there during this difficult time and we'll count down the days with you!
God bless,
Girl...I don't know how I'm doing it but I am!!!
I have 4 more days until I meet with Dr. G. Then I'll feel better because it'll only be 5 more days until surgery. I'm almost there. I made tacos last night for my family (I make awesome tacos) and it killed me. So I went tanning while they ate! Last night when I got really hungry I ate tomato soup and 2 popsicles.
Why is that one surgeon requests this while others don't? I don't get it. I just don't understand why I have to do this clear liquid thing. I called the nurse yesterday because I was really depressed and I wanted to ask her for any tips that they have. They haven't called me back yet. I have the same bathtub problem. Our tub is really deep and I have to actually flip over and get on my hands and knees to stand up. I hate it. I can't reach the faucet either. I'm ready for the bowel prep and vaseline is a good trick! I was going to use Desitin but Vaseline sounds more soothing! Thanks for your support...I really appreciate it. I'll keep you posted