check up with surgeon
Well I went for my 3 month check up with my surgeon and asked all the questions I had. He said I needed to check with my pcp to get the answers to my dizziness and blacking out but that he thought it had to do with my meds I take at bedtime. Which is what I kind of thought also but was hoping he could take care of the issue. He didn't draw labs or do much of anything but reassure me that I was doing fine. And to eat slower and smaller bites. I have lost 67 lbs. which was good news. I see my pcp this afternoon so hopefully I will be done with the dizzy spells at night.
Guess that is all for now. Cindy labs? Why doesn't your surgeon do labs? Can't really tell how your doing by looking at ya! I would ask my surgeon to do total labs and if he won't make sure your PCP does a CBC! Also blacking out and getting dizzy does happen to WLS could you being dehydrated, or having low blood sugars. My friend and another very good supporter on here deals with these things almost daily....getting dizzy and almost blacking out....You might wanna emial Andrea D, she might be able to give you advice! Congrats on a good weight loss, you are doing great!! Take Care

I am not real sure why the surgeon doesn't do bloodwork yet but that seems to be the way they do things there. I know my pcp will want some bloodwork done, as she had told me before surgery she would. So I really should have seen her instead of the surgeon as far as I can tell. But they require you to see them also. I know that one of the things that can cause dizziness is dehydration that is why I make sure that I drink a 16 oz bottle of propel before bed each night. Which the surgeon said was fine. My physciatrist suggested that. But I am on some meds that were to help with night sweats and it also tends to lower your bloodpressure so that is what they think is happening that it is going to low now, that I have lost some weight. It only happens after I take the med in the evening. Who knows. I know that I will find out more today probably than I have with the last 2 drs I have talked with about it put together. Thanks for your suggestions. I will see about talking with Andrea. Cindy