You all are so wonderful!!!!! Seriously!!! I know that I'm going to Hel* but I am eating tacos right now!!!! With lots of HOT sauce!!! It's my "Last Supper" so to speak.
Okay when i talked to jenny today, she said that I would learn about my bowel prep on April 1st. I said, "Bowel Prep? Sounds FUN." She laughed but it seems as though yes, he is still having them done. Shucks!!
Don't wanna do it...thinking I may have to take that day off work!! Actually probably not...I told my boss today (she is so friggin awesome!) and she said, instead of applying for Short Term Disablity, she'd work something out with me. She said that she'll pay me for the time that I miss, if I make it up here and there throughout the rest of the year. Isn't she wonderful??? My Short Term Disability would only pay me at 60% so being paid at 100% is a dream come true!
Tell me, how long were y'all off work?? Loves to you all and thank you for sharing this with me!!!!

Sounds like you have a wonderful, supportive employer. How good for you. Most people plan on two weeks off work, depending on how physical it is. Some feel well enough after even less & then there are the wussy ones (like me!) who didn't make it bac****il 3 weeks. In my case, I had considerable swelling that made it impossible to sit for more than an hour or so at a time. Since most of my work is in front of a bank of several computers, I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. Fortunately, I have a very understanding manager who had no problem with me taking an extra week off.
I can't remember if I invited either you or Collette to join the Yahoo group we have for Dr G's patients. If not, and you are interested in joining us, send an e-mail to [email protected] This group is a great way to find out information about how things are done in his practice, to ask questions, tell of accomplishments (like weightloss), & express concerns. People on this board who are also members include Janie, Kimberly, and me and I'm sure more. We'd love to have you & if you're a member, we can post your surgery date & you'll get lots of supportive e-mails sent to you in the hospital! That's fun! Collette, if you're reading this, I'm including you in this invitation also!
I'm also so happy that the two of you will be having your surgeries at the same time especially since you are from the same town. How cool is that?
Jen!!!! We are going to be surgery buddies! Mine is on April 5! I see Dr. G on 3/30 so I'll let you know what they say about the bowel prep.
I started my liquid diet today and felt pretty bad
from about 12pm-3pm. My mistake was not drinking much between 10-12 and forgetting to take my jello to work. Stock up on those popsicles, baby! Do you want to meet sometime before the surgery so we can commiserate?

Heck yeah girl! We have to meet because we are going to be in the hospital together!!! That will be really cool to be able to walk down the hall to see you...although you'll be a day ahead of me but pretty darn close!!! I was so excited when she said April 6th...I was like OMG I gotta call Colleen!!!!
You'll have to tell me all about your appointment and we should plan to meet the weekend of the 2nd. You live in Marion right? Oh this is so awesome!!!!

A BIG congrats Jen!!
The liquid diet is a struggle, but the other girls are right, the first few days are the hardest. As for the bowel prep, Lynne gave me my little bottles of Phospho-Soda. I heard horror stories about the taste. Now, don't get me wrong, it isn't something you'll want to drink again, but I didn't think it was tooooooo bad. Salty, more than anything. And Dixie was right about the antibiotics.........I stayed at my moms the night before surgery, and well, lets just sat we had to do a load of laundry before we left for the hospital the next morning.
But ooohhhhhh it is sooooo worth it!
Best of luck and keep us posted