3/21 Happy spring!! Roll call and goals
Hi sorry this is so late. been really busy and top it off been really sick also. finally got my headaches under control. but now i have the start of something else. I had no voice for 4 days and can't go to school, work i have to stay home and NO TALKING for 1 week...
so my big goal is to get completely better before easter......well i am going back to bed....
Better late than never
Sorry I am so slow!!! Just already so busy around here and only getting worse.....I decided I needed to get on the puter tho for a little bit this am to check in on everyone!!! Easter plans for us are starting Thursday after school......my daughters are each having a freind stay the night.......Then Friday morning there is a special showing of Robots at the theater....so we are all going to that! (the tickets were only $1 each
) After the movie, my girls have a dentisti appt, and then we will run all of there friends home......Then we are on the road to Charles City~When we get to my folks house we will color eggs.....then go to the bowling alley as my folks bowl on Friday nights....Sat morning is a easter egg hunt for the kiddies......Sat night we are going with my folks and some friends to see "Winn Dixie" movie.....Then Sunday morning church.....easter egg hunt....then to Omas for brunch......we will come home Sunday night! Boy it is going to be a long weekend!!! And of course Sat afternoon will consist of shopping in Waterloo probably! Heck I am tired just thinking about it!!! I hope everyone has an awesome holiday weekend!! Take Care