3/21 Happy spring!! Roll call and goals
Good spring morning to you all! Hope that you had a great weekend and a good week on goals if you set them. I did so so. Still don't have the monster under control, yet, though. I have had to nix some of my favorites out of my diet lately - like the sugar free cheesecake recipe that I perfected. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM - haven't had it in like 2 weeks now. Well, I also need to eliminate the low carb peanut butter. I eat it on bananas all times of the day - even when I say no to myself, I end up eating it. Well, I have about 1/2 jar left and will have to decide what to do with it. Other than that, things have been okay.
Goals this week:
1) Keep control over food every day, every hour and every minute!!
2) No evening snacking if I'm not hungry. If I'm really trully hungry, one snack - controlled - sitting at the kitchen table.
3) SIT to eat - (I still prance around the kitchen doing other things while I eat.)
4) Continue to focus on eating and on that "no longer hungry" feeling. Then STOP eating!!
5) Continue to increase the fresh fruits and veggies.
6) Get to the doc for respiratory stuff and get on meds before Easter.
Enough goals for me. Question of the day - what are your Easter plans? How will you handle eating on the holiday? I am going to my dad's house. Dad passed several years ago, but we still try to keep in touch with his girlfriend. Anywhoo - I will get some s/f candies from the Easter Bunny, probably and then will eat sensibly at dinner.
Hope you all have a good week. I'm going to the doc at noon, so will try to check replies later in the day at home.
God bless,
Hi Andrea,
I have to work this weekend and I work 3rd shift so I am not for sure if we are just going to my husbands parents or my aunts house. As for my goals I need to start exercising again I have kind of slacked off lately. I also need to make sure I get my water in have kind of slacked off lately on that also. I still don't eat alot and am never really hungry or thirsty is that weird not to be both? ANy way I haven't responded for a long time to roll call so I thought i would do it today and try to respond every week. Keep me in focus on my exercising and water intake. Beautiful day out today with the robins in our yard!!!! Hope its beautiful down your way! Later Kim L.
Hi, Kim. Glad that you joined the goals and roll calls. Yesterday was not too nice here - beautiful sun, but it was still chilly. Haven't seen any robins yet.
Anyway, I hope that you do well on water and exercising this week. Hopefully checking in here will be a good support to you. I even print my goals out and hang them up at home (on the frig) and at school.
That must stink to work 3rd. My hubby does also - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Don't know what time he will be off work Saturday, but we have early church at 8:30. Hope he can get some sleep in there.
Have a great week and God bless,
Yeah, I'm on spring break finally!
I'm planning on reorganizing and packing my apartment, I'm moving just downstairs. So, I'm excited.
I'm getting my bike out this week, to get it ready to ride.
Not sure what, I'm going to do more walking and drinking more water.
For Easter, if the weather is good. Our church will have Easter sunrise on the Royal Ranch (my parents). We built a big cross and stuck in the ground, on a big hill. We put bales of hay on a trailer, and Dad or I will pull the trailer up the hill with the tractor. I'm scared of heights, but I'm the one that puts the cloth around the cross and my brother makes the thorns. Out of our hickory thorn trees. (or whatever trees they come from). Then we go back to the church for rolls and coffee, (I'm taking my own breakfast). Can't wait. If it snows or rains the service will be at the church.
Well, I'm babysitting my nieces, and they are about to wake up, so I better go check on the little ones.
Take Care
Lisa Young
Hope that you are enjoying your spring break. Doesn't it always happen that someone plans something for us when we have time off - like babysitting. I'm sure that you are enjoying that, though. How old are your nieces? Wow, your outdoor Easter celebration sounds so fun! Be careful putting the cloth around the cross!!
Keep drinking tha****er and get that exercising in!
God bless,
Hello everyone im doing better besides my left leg hurting went to the drs its a pulled muscle from surgey otherwise im doing great cant wait to get out again and drive. my goals this week are heel my leg, water, eat less junk food. my easter plans are here at home with my family and my mother going to make ham. have a great week everyone
Morning all
No Easter plans here, kids are getting ready to move so we are going to have a get together after they are moved & dad & I are home. Just a few short days til I hop on that plane!
Our first day of spring was more like first day of winter! We had some freezing rain but it didn't last. And that wind! Don't hear it this morning so must have calmed down.
Goals? Hmmmm....lose a couple of more pounds. I'm officially in the 170's now around 25 from my personal goal. I ordered 3 line dancing tapes off of ebay & they got here yesterday so am going to start (trying) some line dancing. Dancing is something I use to love to do, it's time to start again! And for some reason that darn Laurie won't move to this side of the state & teach me...
So exercise & get in more water & eat more veggies. Bad about not eating my veggies like I should. Can't wait til we have those good garden veggies. Everyone have a good week.

Hello Carolyn you are too funny I wish I could teach you I loved doing it too im hopeing my leg will get better soon so i can start exerciseing again i miss it. i went back to the drs he said its from surgey if its not better in 2 weeks i need to go back and i might have to get physcal therpy. have a good weeked
We have no big plans for Easter. Probably just go to church & the rest of Sunday will be like normal. I am still taking it very easy & don't want to mess with a big dinner. We aren't big observers of holidays anyway. Now, when the grandchildren start arriving, that may change! Someday....
My goals for this week are to start feeling back to normal & quit hurting. I developed a seroma & had to have it drained & I have hurt ever since. I go back again tomorrow, probably to get more drained. I am ready to get back to normal and exercise but The PS told me even walking is out for now. I decided I needed to get the pounds to start dropping again so am trying the South Beach diet. It really seems do-able as it allows lots of veggies & salads, which is a major part of my diet anyway and after not being able to eat much bread for so long, I think I can give it up totally for awhile. Nice thing about the SB diet is that they allow bread to be eaten occassionally, after the first few weeks, and fruit too. Atkins is just way too strict on that account. And yes, I will be able to get in my protein as meat is a big part of it also. Keep your fingers crossed for me!