Advice for Newbies
I see we've had several new people on ~~ and that's great!!! You've definitely come to the right place. I'd like to pass on a couple of cents worth. Before your surgery and then monthly thereafter, take pictures. Do front, side and back ~~ in clothes and a swimming suit or bra & panties if you can muster the courage!! Also do measurements ~~ get all the pertinent ones. I have a friend help with these and I don't have a digital camera, so yes, they get sent off from Walmart. Thank goodness I don't know anyone who develops pictures, but I'm sure they get a good laugh at the developing place!!
I've logged these every month and now when I'm discouraged because I'm stuck at the same weight for several months, I go back and look at where I started. I can't even believe it. Also save a pair of your biggest pants and try them every month to see how big they've gotten. When you can get both legs in one side you'll wonder how that ever happened!!!
I put everything together in a book, doesn't have to be fancy, but you'll love looking back through the progress.
Just words of advice ~~ and have a great journey!!

That is quite possibly the best advice I have heard yet about this surgery. Seriously. Thank you so much Jane!!! I am so afraid of the camera and have been for several years now. I even hate getting pictures taken with my 2 year old daughter. I have to remember that I will never allow myself to come back to this and that encouragement will be powerful.
I think I'll start doing that tomorrow!!
That is awesome advice.
thanks so much...tons of hugs coming your way!!

Morning Jane,
Couldn't agree with you more
I've been keeping track of my journey with pics, just click on the www below my name if you want to look. I forgot about taking measurements which I regret now. I take mine with the digital camera & email them to Walmart for copies. This has worked out great for me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with newbies, sometimes we forget the "little" things to share.

I have to agree also. I, like many of the rest of you, always disappeared when the cameras came out. I can find very few pictures of me before. I am a scrapbooker & guess what? I never took any before or after pictures, nothing from those first months when we change so quickly. Nothing! Now I regret it. I have found a few pictures of me before but not many. At least I have them to remind me where I came from.
Someone told me that they bring a disposable camera to the hospital as a gift, with instructions to use it to take monthly pictures or to have someone take pictures while in the hospital. I think that's a great idea.
The bra and undie pictures are the ones that really tell the story. I did a set in clothes (something I thought I looked good in at the time), swimsuit and undies. The first set of undie pictures I saw I couldn't believe it. I never knew my butt was that big. Like I ever saw myself from the back.... The pictures can be real eye openers.

Hi, Collette,
I am also scheduled for surgery April 5 at Mercy Capitol, DSM! I do have to get the okay from the sleep study doctor this Thursday as I have had to use the "machine" at night for my severe sleep apnea and hopefully I have complied. Are you excited, scared, and excited and scared again? I am. I have a great support group but they are concerned. I guess that is natural when you love someone. Right? Let's keep in touch, Surgery Date Buddy!
Thanks Janie! I will definately take some measurements. Will take some pics with my clothes on. I dont let anyone see me in my bra and underwear/swimsuit. No need to traumatize people! I did a brave thing the other day. I usually always try to avoid mirrors at ALL costs. So i was getting dressed.....and looked.....was so mortified by what I saw...sat down on the edge of the bed.....and it got worse! I looked like the Michilan Mans wife! Rolls of white everywhere! It was BAD! So I wont be doing that anytime soon...but it did reinforce my decision to have the surgery.
So after my surgery...I am going to have a Tire Sale!
Billie Jo