:'( I Went Cardio Today & It Wasnt Good
Went To Cardio Today & it wasnt good,I have to goto Omaha Nebraska on 3/22/05 for a Cardiolite Stress Test & im sacred to death,He told me mthey will put medicine in a IV & the walk on a tred mill & my chest will get real heavy & short of breath & I will have a scan & im scared of closed in places,Then I might do it a 2nd time but I will be liying down,
He did change my Blood pressure medicine to & he said I might have
a blockage or more
Im like oh GREAT,He does think I should have the WLS. After I get this taken care of first...I will be there for up to 6 hours If nothing is wrong I can go home,But someone will have to driveme home,If there is something wrong I will stay...Has anyone had this done???

Biggest of hugs hon
Yeppers been there done that. Remember MIGHT is different than you do. I refused the treadmill & by doing so I opted for the cathetor. I would do that again as they were able to spot the small blockage. I had to lie on my back for 6 hours after the procedure & stayed overnight in the hospital. Reminder I had had a mild heart attack & I wasn't going to risk another getting on the treadmill. Just remember this is for your safety! You don't want to be on the table & have a heartattack! Maybe you could talk to the cardio dr about having the cathetor instead? You are put under for this, a light local actually. I wanted to watch the procedure but fell asleep instead! And there was no pain afterward just uncomfy having to lay in same position for so long. Let the cardio dr know how you feel about closed places.
Hi Janelle! I can't give you any great words of wisdom, as Carolyn did. I just wanted to stop by and wish you the best of luck on what you are going through right now. My prayers and thoughts are with you that everything will come out fine!!
I have a friend that lives in Red Oak...Chris and Brian Amos...maybe you know them. We exchange christmas cards, every year but haven't seen each other in years...so sad how people drift apart.
Take Care,
They can also just give the Cardiolite by IV while you lie down, no treadmill. I just had this done 2 months ago and it's not too bad. The machine that did the scan isn't closed in- just a big recliner type plastic chair . Where are you going to have it done? I had my last one done at Iowa Heart Center, they're nice people. Nut
Hi Janelle,
Here's a big hug, now take a deeeeeep breath and relax. Both are good for the heart.
I had to have a stress test due to an 'abnormality' on my EKG. Also an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart). My cardiologist did not believe that I did not have chest pains. (and he kept trying to talk me out of the surgery, until i got pi$$y with him, but that is another chapter
) I had my cardiac testing at Allen Hosp in Waterloo.
I had the Cardiolite test, which they do in place of the treadmill, for those that are unable to run on a treadmill. It was more a pain in the butt and time consuming than anything.
Upon arrival, they stick in an IV and shoot you full of a dye (can't remember the right word) and you wait 1/2 hour or so. Then I laid on a table and this big boxy camera thing scanned back and forth over the top of me taking pictures. I was never 'boxed in' or 'in' a machine. Then I had to wait about 2 hours and I went back in and they hooked me up like for an EKG and parked me in a chair. They ran about 3 minutes of strip, then the tech came in and slooooowly, over 4 minutes, administered the Cardiolite. They did not lie to you, your chest will get heavy, I flushed bright purple, started sweating. It was doing what it was supposed to, mimic the effect of exercise. After all of it was in, they ran about 3 more minutes of EKG. By then I felt totally normal, like I had never had the Cardiolite. I waited another 1/2 hour and they took another set of pictures. Then I was free to go. A week later the doc said there wasn't anything wrong and that I was good to go for surgery.
Carolyn said it the best. It is for our own good. The cardiology visits and testing set me back almost 2 months in getting surgery. But I am SOOOO glad I had them done. It helped to lessen the 'What if' questions.
Here is another big hug.
Stay positive and keep us posted.
post op RNY 1/10/05

A smaller you is really not going to mean much if your heart is not healthy enough to keep you around to enjoy your changes. Get things figured out with your heart - it's for the best. Then worry about the WLS. Be sure to talk to your doc about your feeling of enclosed places. I'll keep you in my prayers.
God bless,