Want to thank everyone who has emailed me & if I didn't get you answered I apologize. My mind is going 100 mph with everything going on here, half the time forget where I put my head! Big thanks to Janet who has lent me a bunch of clothes.
Everyone please send Janet thoughts & prayers, her doxie was killed yesterday morning
biggest hugs to Janet & her family. Those little guys are such a part of our family.
Dad called last night, I can't believe how excited he is about me coming down there! And I have to admit I'm excited about seeing him, he is the only living immediate family I have left & I hate being apart from him. He has promised me he won't drive down to Florida anymore if he goes again he'll fly. He'll be 73 this year & although he's pretty active he's really slowing down. Last night I had a dream that he didn't recognize me!
well have lost 30 lbs, colored my hair since he left! Everything is coming together with the trip I will go to Omaha the day before with son Chuck taking me as he has the day off. Otherwise would have to have someone take me down around 6 a.m. on day of flight. And one never knows what the weather is going to be like. We'll start back Thursday or Friday so will be just gone a few days, he's anxious to get home! And the kids are going to start moving that weekend also, always something going on!
I'm waiting to hear from park owner if he's going to buy my place, also looking at a house on Friday so all kinds of things going on. Ok, have blabbed enough.

Congrats......sometimes I am the happiest when things are super busy....less time to think about food and bad stuff!!! I hope you enjoy the trip and travel safely!!! Poor Janet
Didn't they lose a doxie last year too?? That has got to be so hard!!! Make sure you get a new pic up on here too.....I wanna see that new hair color!! Take Care and good luck with everything