Support group at Marion Library?
Does anyone know of a support group that meets at the Marion Library? I've heard there is one but can't find any details.
YAAAAAY! My surgery with Dr. G is scheduled for April 5!
I'm so excited. I'm having one last blast on St. Patrick's Day
, then it's the liquid diet for me. Does anyone know if I can have protein powder shakes in those pre-op weeks rather than the AdVantage stuff? I've emailed Lois at Dr. G's but haven't heard back yet.

Morning Collette
Congrats on your upcoming date 

Sorry can't help you out about support or about the liquids, didn't have to do the them before surgery. I haven't tried the powdered, I drink the Adkins pre-made. Picked up some kind of powder & it was nasty in the garbage it went! Keep us updated on how you are doing.

Whoo hoo!!!
I'm so gonna try to have my surgery on or around the same day so we can meet in the hospital. I haven't heard back about my tests yet
I'm worried!
You celebrate like a bandit tonight
because it is all uphill from here!!!
I'll let you know as soon as I hear and when I talk to them, I'll ask about the protein shakes, k?

Re: the protein drinks (no ) can only have clear liquids. I had my surgery a year ago this month and I was told it all had to be clear and I stuck with it. It isn't easy starting your clear liquid diet but each day you keep telling yourself it is putting me one day closer to my surgery. The nutritionist should have given you a list of what you can have. Juices that are pulp free, jello, clear soup broth, diet sodas, should wean yourself off the caffeine if you like caffeine. Caffeine is a no no. I was the biggest caffeine junky and I don't miss it one bit. I guess that caffeine acts as a appetite stimulant with us surgical patients. So I stay away.
Just went and looked I still had my paper re: the clear liquids:
Fruit JUices: Apple, Grape, Cranberry (OJ is ok before surgery as long as it is pulp free I was told this by him it is not on the sheet)
Broths: Clear: beef, chicken,vegetable.
Soft drinks: Diet and after surgery flat pop only
Others: Sugar free coffee, Tea, Jello, Frozen Juice bars, Gatorade, water.
Sounds yummy! You'll get through it we all have. I have no regrets you have an awesome surgeon and the office staff is awesome. They are very supportive. There are others who live in your area that go to Dr. Glas**** that you may be able to car pool with to support meetings in Cedar Falls. You can personally email me and I'll give you a name of someone who lives in Cedar Rapids that you can contact she is a patient of Dr. Glas****s also.
Well hope this helps some Good Luck on your upcoming journey to a new you! Take care Kim L. -160lb