4 months post op
It is hard to believe that only 4 months ago I had this procedure and I feel like it was a lifetime ago. My view of things in life has changed-everything is strongly contrasted with before and after.....not just in physical appearance, but also in attitude and self confidence, taking pleasure in life. EVERYTHING has been amplified, more positive...
Stepped on the scale this morning...drumroll please..... down 60 lbs. I am wearing my husbands jeans on a regular basis, size 38 waist. I find that right now men's jeans fit my body better right now. I found an old pair of size 20 women's buried in my dresser a couple of weeks ago and I tried wearing them. The butt and legs of the jeans are big and baggy but the waist is too snug to be comfortable. DARN BELLY!! Women's stretch denim works OK though.
Omigosh, I want to share this story.......
A week ago I am looking around Farm Fleet (clothing section) while hubby is looking at tools (go figure) and just for ****z and giggles I try on a pair of Lee capri pants- size 16 (stretch denim) and they fit. Now mind you they are tight, but they will be perfect for this spring. But, the feeling of wearing a 16 again???????? PRICELESS!!!!!! Of course I bought them..... I paid about $24 for them, (more than what I would normally pay for somethin like this) but I would have gladly paid twice that because THEY WERE SIZE 16....AND THEY FIT!!!!!
Take care all,

Isn't it an amazing feeling
It is hard to explain when things happen like fitting into the 16's.....Pretty soon you won't be able to wear your hubbys jeans......all of these silly little milestones are truly amazing and the joy that comes with them is hard to describe!! Sounds like you are doing great!!! I totally hear you on the jean problems......I am right now wearing size 10's
(never could have imagined that) anyways the butt and legs are pretty baggy on most of my jeans.....I really need an 8! The couple 8's I have, fit great everywhere but the waist....the big ole spare tire makes it so hard to wear nice fitting jeans while still be able to breathe!!! I have always hated my body and DO NOT like to wear fitted stuff, so while I should wear the 8's I cannot stand the snugness of the waist......and the not so flattering monster camel toe it creates
I am sorry if that was too graphic, but I have major gut issues! ANyways ~our search will continue for good fitting jeans until plastic surgery!!! You are doing awesome
Keep up the good work!!! Any good jelly made yet???
Take Care

Congratulations on the 60 lbs loss. Isn't it a great feeling. I to have issues with pants. I have lost to much to wear my fat pants and don't want to spend much on new ones as I won't be wearing them that long, but have to have something to wear to work. I have been lucky and found things on clearance right now but don't know what I will do when it gets warmer out. But any how way to go and keep up the good work. You are awesome. Cindy
Hi Sherry! I can so relate to you LOL I am 3 1/2 months out, and I have lost about 46 lbs., with 19 before for a grand total of 65lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am having the same trouble as you. I swear if I could get a tt right now I think I could care less if I lost another pound. I too am in a 16!!! And let me tell you, it feels GRRRRRRRRRRRRReat!!!
Best of Luck to you,