What is a MMPI Test?
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
It is supposed to be the most widely used personality test. If it's what I think it is, you will have to answer over 400 T/F questions & then the psychologist can score it. The test takes about 1 1/2 -2 hours to take. It can tell if you are depressed, psychiotic, Schizophrnic, abused, etc. In my case it told me I was my Mother's clone! The psychologist read to me her findings & I interrupted her to tell her she was describing my Mother & she just smiled & shook her head "no."
The questions are really dumb & you will find that many are repeated but worded just a bit differently. Try to answer as truthfully as possible evenif it is a dumb question.
Some psychologists do not have you come back for the results. They just score it & then send the clearance to have surgery. To me, I would have wanted to know what the results were but then, I'm kind of weird that way. Now that I have read more abuot how it is scored & what they are looking for, I would like to know more about how I did. Who knows, I may snap someday!
I wouldn't sweat this test. It really is just another hoop we have to jump through.