Hernia repair tummy tuck
I just wanted to post a message and let you all know I had my hernia repair/tummytuck on Friday March 4th. It was sceduled as same day surgery, but passed out when I went to the bathroom that afternoon, so they keep me until Sunday afternoon, I came home very dizzy and weak. My dear husband suggested we go for a ride in his new truck to get some fresh air. I even got dizzier when we got home he checked my drains, they were filling up very quickly with blood, so he decided to check my incision, it was also draining very badly, we called the hospital they said I should get there asap, at midnight I was in surgery again, had ruptured a blood vessel and nearly bleed to death. Monday included 2 blood transfusions, and lots of lab work, with complete bed rest. Yesterday, they tested me and said my hemoglobin was up to 8.8 and I could go home again. I guess normal is 12-16 for a woman. I go back to the surgeons office tomorrow for check up and hopefully remove at least one of my Jackson/Pratt drains. Tonight I slept very little, nerves I guess Im afraid to go to sleep and not wake up. I know this is silly and I will be fine, but how do you keep those demons at bay?

Welcome back & I'm glad that you are here to be with us. So sorry to hear of the problems. I can understand the sleeplessness. How frightening.
I am also recovering from a March 1st tummy tuck, no hernia, but I did have the abdominal muscles tightened. My recovery has been quite uneventful and tomorrow I finally get my 2 J/P drains removed. Not a minute too soon, if you ask me. I am so sick of those things & they are the only part that hurts. My plastic surgeon leaves them in longer for his post WLS patients as they tend to have less seromas if he waits longer. However, he did warn me that most have to have some drained at some point anyway.
I have found that I don't sleep very much while recovering but do take lots of cat naps. Try to get your rest, even if you aren't sleeping. It will help you get your strength back up & with what you have been through, you need all the help you can get.
My surgeon was nice enough to have a nurse take pictures during my surgery. If you want to see them, check them out at http://dblasberg.photosite.com/ If you want to see the photos large, just click on "view as slideshow." I need to do some editing as when I went in on Tuesday he explained what he was showing but I haven't gotten that far yet.
Good luck & remember, each day will get better.
WOW.......I am so sorry for the troubles you had!!! Thank goodness they caught the ruptured blood vessel when they did!!! Someone was watching out for ya
Hopefully now your recovery will go smoothly and you can get some rest and relaxing! Did they figure out why you had the problem?? Was it from the TT or the hernia repair? I am curious since I am on my way into looking for a TT! Anyways take it easy and let us know how you are doing!!! Take Care and I will be sending well wishes your way

Oh my gosh!!!
That is so very scary! I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I will be praying extra hard for you to get through everything AOK and with NO pain. Here's a little angel to keep on your shoulder to keep those demons far far away
Please PLEASE keep us posted on your condition. Thank goodness that you got to the hospital! Oh dear! Keep positive and all will be just as you hoped!
Take care please,
Hugs and hugs and hugs again!