obstruction :barf:
On sunday night I went out to eat at applebees with a few friends. I must not have chewed my food every well because after the meal I felt awful. At first I thought it was gas or maybe a ate to much. I was in pain for about 6 hours. I ended up throwing up and feeling better. Have any of you had this happen?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - Lisa, that doesn't sound fun. Was it a nausea or pain? When I have pain sometimes, I have struggled because it comes and goes - and I am not one of those that throws up - have to make myself (doc knows this). Anyway, the pain would be there and so intense that I thought I had to throw up then it would subside for a few minutes then come back. I eventually tried a tums and it worked - must be just gas. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it really hurts! Hope that your experience doesn't happen often to you!
God bless,